👨🏽‍🌾 Farmer Pigeonman (OR): How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Indoor Growing


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Let’s start with the babies and stick our heads into the AC Infinity 2x4 Tent and check out the AUTOFEMS on DAY 14 since hitting water.

Every 12 hours I spray down the entire soil surface area of each fabric pot with filtered water and they’ve been getting a steady feed of Hydrotech’s 50/50, a liquid vermicast & kelp extract at 1/4 strength in turkey-baster dosages. Additionally yesterday evening was their first application of BudBusterPro. :smiley: :+1:

Up close and personal they are each charmers with of course one weirdo.

Creme De La Chem; a little small but it’ll catch-up.

Dosi Waker; doing very well!

Earth Lover CBD; not just a healer, but also a growing beast!

Fog Dog; very similar in size to the Dosi Walker.

GG#4; she started :pray: 'ing right after she got sprayed with BBP. :thinking: :smiley:

Man Bear Alien Pig; it’s the tallest of the bunch, but then again of all the auto’s i’ve grown this was true then as well.:seedling: :giraffe:

Strayberry Shortcrack; this is the weirdo… but I LIKE weirdo’s so it’s staying put. If things don’t work out down the line and it stalls in a bad way I may intervene but at this point i’m in the “let’s see how this turns out” boat. :man_shrugging: :rofl: :rowing_man: :seedling:

Trizzler F2; second smallest next to the CLDL but as with that runt i’m sure it’ll catch up in plant-puberty.

Jumping to the left about 2 meters we are in the 4x4 tent!

ACDC; it’s colour is coming in quite nicely but only after a bit of trial and error over the past few weeks. For the first time in I don’t even remember I actually had to bring out the CAL-MAG :rofl: .

Both the CBD producers in this tent (#FuckCancer) were yellowing even after a good worm castings + molasses tea was applied.

So I :man_shrugging: and pulled the cal-mag card and added 5ml per 2gal of feed and… :boom: :exclamation:

:arrow_right: The YELLOWING started to dissipate :arrow_left:

No close-ups this post but the buds are getting nice and frosty.

CBD OG Kush; this is a :heart: :stop_sign: 'er! :open_mouth: . I turned on the RapidLED UVA Trichome Enhancement Puck last weekend and and already frosty girl has even more gains! :exploding_head:

I joke not: the buds GLOW due to the refraction of light. I can’t get this on camera with lights on with any justice to them but i’ll time a flash shot just before lights on so I don’t piss her off too much. :camera_flash:

Sour BluTooth F2; tonight’s the night I’ll take down the top half and most likely will be done under green light so I can do it in the daytime versus after 8pm… It smells like cotton candy and I hope that I’ve done BOG’s work some justice.

Switching :gear: 's into the MEDCab let’s slam into 5th and check out the :racing_car: 's.

UK Cheese; it’s a fucking hedge with a base stalk already at 1.5+" and still going! :rofl: You can’t see into this plant if you tried (and I do) but there’s nothing going weird in there as I’ve been removing any 50%+ dead leaves in there.

From what I can see in the growth structure as I do this each day is that I’ve got a fuck-tonne long bout of trim jail come October, which is honestly never a bad thing!

Manitoba Poison; when I QUEST for anything, I usually do it for a reason and often there are subtexts involved I don’t fully understand as I’m allowing the cosmos to carry me along… this was one of those times when out of all the fast flowering photos I looked into I then obsessed with finding this. :rofl:

Well; JUST LOOK AT THIS PLANT!!!… and I wasn’t wrong! :rofl:

I’ve never had the privilege of growing such cultivar with each branch being it’s own bush like this before. I’m so happy to have the opportunity and am both excited and intimidated for the season to come of care it’ll need to make it shine as much as it deserves. :sun_with_face:

White CBG; this plant has decided that it’s going to GROW LIKE NUTS since it’s 1st application of BudBusterPro last weekend. :open_mouth: .

Literally like a :rocket: in 1986 it just out of nowhere blew up! (i love tasteless humour :rofl: )

As per Bob’s suggestions, I increased it’s feed and well, here we are. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Freedom Dream CBD; this is the most :metal: looking plant EVER. It looks like if you dried it and beat someone with it you’d do some serious damage. :cricket_bat_and_ball:

Heading up several flights of stairs like we were Rocky Balboa punching all the way we’ll check up on the …

Black Snow; it’s doing better considering the thrips which I have thankfully under a level of control. I hosed it down a few times, and made an Aquabac tea which is my go-to bio-attack for the things living in the soil to soak the pot. Otherwise it’s been getting a steady, but increased feed due to the BBP applications.

I’ll soak it down in Safer’s End All in 3 days time, and then will wait 7 days before applying BBP again to give the fatty acids a chance to break down a bit so they are less likely to travel INTO the plant by way of the BBP’s magic :smiley: .

On the shelf next to the Mammoth 2x2 the Mother’s, Father and Reveg are doing their thing.

Sadly the ONLY reveg that survived the thrips surprise attack is the Cherry Festival F2. All the others are now bagged and their soil used in a dried out patch of our front lawn so if there’s anything in there (bug wise) it’s far away from the backyard food growing area.

Everything else has been MOVED OUTSIDE yesterday… so it seems like I’ll have to either re-start, or, start-up a new OUTDOORS THREAD :grin: :+1:


Should I start a new thread for 2022? (OR) Re-start my “Outdoor Growing Adventures” thread?

All the best to all you humble fabulouses!!

:hugs: :metal: :globe_with_meridians:


Yup, I vote for the ‘Outdoor Growing Adventures’ !
Outdoors grows produce monsters and their deserving of their own ‘safe space’ IMHO !!!


Frickin EPIC!!!
Always like coming here. Good stuff.

I am going to re-apply the BBP tonite one these plantsI’m running. Bob says it will still help them quite a bit, not as good as the full gammit from the start, but he seems to think it will do my grow some good,anyways. I am already going very well but hey! If he says it will still do good, I’m in. Don’t remember if you are following my thread or not, but if you would like to peek at what I have going… I am going to put the BBP on the Island Sweet Skunk plants.


Sad you lost the rest but seeing Glad the CF made it. Those are some die hard genetics, I just gave my mothers away. I gave the clones away a couple weeks ago.

You need a small gentle fan on those seedling to toughen them ups.

:green_heart: :seedling:


Thanks and regarding the fan I doo! :smiley: I love my fake-wind and have 2x 6" clip-on’s aimed at the door so when it’s closed it reflects making them twitch. :+1:


It has been done!



Round 1 of Sour BluTooth trimming.

(I’m “watching” JCVD’s Kickboxer. Lol)


Oh no you turned away for a second to trim and missed the part where he kicks a guy!

I watched Desert Heat the other day and it gave me a chuckle. Put that on next!

(I am breaking down Everyday Haze plant 1 right now)


Is that Sour Bl Tooth all what i have been told. It is said to be very potent.


Why is watching in “quotes”?



I’m a Lionheart fan myself…
Also, I thought his series John Claude Van Johnson was hilarious!


The kicking is done!

Next is 2012’ “The Bay”. :slight_smile:


I am watching Bloodsport and it’s all your fault.

I was going to press some hash but I think it still needs to dry a bit.

I was looking on OCS to try to find a comparable product and I don’t want to tell you how expensive it is it’s too offensive :rofl:


LOL, at least you can buy edibles. Only need 10 or more packs to get a buzz :wink:


I know it’s mental. 10mg my balls.

“Dirty old shake $5 a gram.”


YASSS!!! I watched that yesterday LOL.

Okay that was a longer than usual slog but wow these BOG Sour BluTooth F2 nugs are HARD. I can now say after all of this with full audacity say: THE ΩPOT is appropriately named!!!

This is a 24" x 18" photography tray just to get an idea of the nug sizes. My eyes hurt as I was dumb and did all this under a 2800K reading light instead of my preference of either shaded natural daylight or an overhead soft-source at 5600-6000 Kelvin.

It filled up 2x tiers of my 6 tier drying rack downstairs and I’m trying something new by aiming my box fan straight down under the hanging rack. The fan is on a wire-mesh shelf that’s about 12" above the floor so the overall effect is a steady, but indirect flow of air to aid in slowly drying the buds.

I’m on the lookout for a lightly used 2x2 or 2x4 tent (willing to spend up to $50) which will then become the “Drying Chamber” and I’ll out-rig it in my OCD/ADHD “Overbuild-it or why bother?” method.

Movies watched in the background:

  1. Kickboxer (Action 1989),
  2. The Bay (Horror 2012),
  3. Fist of the North Star: The Movie (Anime 1986)

:hugs: :+1:


I do something like this. My fan is 5 feet away on the floor blowing on the shower door and creating a weak whirlwind inside the shower.

Just to keep the air moving a little.


I’m either watching Double Impact or I’m going to sleep.


Imagine being such a perfectionist that you have more to say about your interior lighting than the bountiful bucket of buds before you… :rofl:

Those are some chunky looking colas!


HA! In my defence I was a film lighting tech before I was looking after the arts. When CFL’s became a thing I swapped every tungsten incandecent bulb out for daylight (5600k) balanced ones.

Most folks didn’t notice until the missus’ reading light came on (2800k) and they’d ask why we chose such and orange light… lol.

Thank you kindly friend :bowing_man: