👨🏽‍🌾 Farmer Pigeonman (OR): How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Indoor Growing

Definitely no fun. I’ve had it twice. Rest and fluids my friend…get yourself better :+1::+1::v:


Were they one of these https://youtube.com/shorts/2qfY1bVu_Wo?si=rn6Zh5NdXznSsPbl

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Yes it was. But they were both positives so :man_shrugging:

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That’s how I spent my Christmas and I feel for ya. Losing all sense of taste and smell for a couple of weeks was the oddest thing about it all and(to be a little overdramatic) as a coffee lover felt catastrophic lol. Wishing you a speedy recovery, man!


Covid or no Covid the plants are alive so I’ve been doing my best over the week to keep things going and on schedule and so far so good. :+1:

The Yogi F2 to F3 seed-run is around the corner to being complete.

It looks pretty in there but I need the space very badly for…

…all that’s going on in here:

The ACI 2x4 is overflowing with the 2x Frankenstein S1 from @JohnnyPotseed , and 3x SSDD BX1 F2 from @HolyAngel .

The Frankie’s will get cut back at the same time as the SSDD go into the 4x4. :+1:

They’re only in 1 gallon pots; so this is some next level ridiculous genetics growing on in here! :rofl:

In the MedCab, the UK Cheese(s), BubbaKush:MBC(s), Jew Gold 1974(s) and CapJunky S1 Muto are doing their thing.

Upstairs had some tent swapping with the First Class Funk clones for seed STS and Female plants are now in the Propagator90 tent.

Untreated Female First Class Funk:

First Class Funk rocking the :banana: 's via STS every 3 days for 3 weeks. :v:

@MonasticDank shits going down yo!


And now on 24/0 vegging out is the Mendo Breath S1.

Lastly in the Mammoth Propogator tent the earliest up-potted cuts of Limed Orange and Sour Diesel: DT Cut from @DannyTerpintine are throwing rootlets out of their speedholes!

Additionally the ones still out of soil are slowly but surely still tossing out roots and while looking rough.

The Yellow Tags in the foreground are fresh cuts of the First Class Funk female because this cut can’t just be seed. @MonasticDank my goal was to get some cuts and send you a full plant back in the spring WITH S1 seeds to be + pollen to grow and to share around (if you’d like it). :+1:

Okay now I gotta go rest for another long period of time. I’m able to be up and about at 1/2 speed for a few hours then down for an unknown number until I can get up and do the things again.

Cheers folks, be safe and big love!



my goal was to get some cuts and send you a full plant back in the spring WITH S1 seeds to be + pollen to grow and to share around (if you’d like it).

You go above and beyond pal. That’s amazing and I would absolutely chuffed for that! Thanks man.


The music in my head as my body continues to win the fight:

Last night we had a freakin’ ThunderSnowStorm which was both fun and terrifying to watch.



looking good in there!

That Yogi project looks great, love the colours on her! :heart_eyes:

The rooted snips look a bit rough but they should recover fine now… great job turning those around! :100:

OH yeah that storm came down hard last night! It’s been snowing steadily since then. :snowflake:


So right, that Yogi is stunningly gorgeous! And Covid is stunningly exhausting. We’re recovering from another go round over here too, but I didn’t get hit bad this time, just the fam. Hope you feel better fast!


YES!!! We had one 2 nights ago. Very incredible! Now it’s going to be negative 5-25 °F until Tuesday. Hope I have enough wood split. :crossed_fingers:

Those yogis are looking amazing. Nice work man. Always like your updates.


Needing to press some bubble I tried a new thing and I’m really happy with the results!

Instead of a hot water bottle as a press I used my tabletop warmer from Lee Valley as the “heated base” and a small pyrex bowl as the press.

This warmer kept around 160-170f so I could just toss the oven bag on it, press down with the glass bowl, turn over and repeat. :ok_hand:

Another coin pressed badly with my “Pigeon” lol.

And the better one!

The reclaimed bubble from the 3+ year old seed shake refused to melt it’s just too old. It got to a “kinetic sand” in a bag with a bottle but it didn’t ever seem right so I left it.

I used the same technique and while it didn’t melt this way either it did turn out the way i’d be okay with after reheating it up and pressing it around a while. :grin: :+1:

I just tested it by mixing the littlest amount with some ground Buddhas Cane flower in my glass bong and oh boy am I ripped! :grin:

Gonna go watch a movie now and continue to recoup.


Pigeonman is going to ‘recoup’… :rofl: :+1:
…LOL, you funny!



Yowza! Those Frankenstein shrubs are putting out some massive leaves. I’ve got some of those seeds waiting in the “vault.” I’d better get a bigger grow closet going before popping them! Either that, or let my rural, outdoor-growing friend have a go with 'em.

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@MrGreenJeans i seriously wanna try to grow out one of these sideways. I have a plan and it involves funnels and a lot of laughs but i need space in a 2x4.


:smile: I can imagine!




I topped the Frankenstein S1 plants again and tossed 4x nice cuts into the cloning dome to see what happens.

MedCab keeps veggin’ out as it does.

The 4x4 took a while to wash out from all the Yogi F2 pollen but it eventually got clean. So in went the 3x SSDD BX1 F2 plants and 1x Bubba Kush: Matt Berger Cut.

SSDD BX1 F2; @HolyAngel

Bubba Kush: Matt Berger Cut; did some LST to get some nice horizontal donging.

I’ll take shots tomorrow of all the upstairs plants.

These include the Limed Orange and Sour Diesel: DT Cut clones from @DannyTerpintine, the recently trimmed Mendo Breath S1, and the STS reversed First Class Funk S1 Project from @MonasticDank which is in a so far-so-good path with full on :banana: 's on one clone and the other clone still yellow but looking stable. :+1: :crossed_fingers:

Have a great night folks!

:v: :grin:


Glad your feeling better bro


Looking great! I really like that second bx1 there but they all got traits from the mom. Gonna be neat to see how they turn out ^^


Nice to hear you’re feeling better! Just getting over a bit of a cold myself.

Gardens looking great! Can’t wait to see what you got hiding upstairs! :wink: :raised_hands:


Beautiful as always :heart: :sparkling_heart:
Feel better soon brother @Pigeonman