Fastest flowering photo period you have seen?

Heres a couple shots of the sisters that are going to die today :sob:

One is also pretty darn fast flowering but picked up more of the foxtailing trait than I would like to see

The other is the slowest flowering plant in the universe. But holy moly is she a monster in the making.

And I never said this fast flowering plant was a heavy yielder :yum::joy:


Wow! That’s awesome! Is that the wolfpack?

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I actually left way to much on my GDP mother. I left about ten smallish buds and I could have done with four or five. Since this was my first time reveging I played it safe. I could fill the house with GDP if I wanted.


Well your house would be pretty and smell nice…you might get kicked out though :yum:


Ya . Well technically those 2 cuts are from a lone seed I found in A wolfpack F2 last year. I grew it outdoors . This is the first time I have flowered it inside.

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My two main tips other then leaving a third , is to not over water. I usually water once and not again until I see normal growth appear , which is usually in the 3-4 week range. You also do not want to overfeed . It really doesn’t need N until the normal leaves start to grow.


I started adding half hours of light toward the sixth week of flower and was up. To 14 before cutting buds…then reveg at 18 hours

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My Texada Timewarp was done in 38 days.I used malted barley in my soil and that plant ate through 2 lbs of it and a half a box of down to earth kelp meal.I think the genetics and whatever that barley does helped it Milky trics every where with a touch of amber.That Timewarp is a fast flowering sonofabitch


38 days :eyes:!

Very nice! Would definitely be a good one to keep around in case the jars weren’t in such good shape.

I am smoking a relative of these right now and am quite literally blown away with the quality so my quest to mess with these genetics has definitely been reinvigorated. A legit two hit plant one week and this light speed plant the next. I’m not complaining.

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The malted barley had a lot to do with it.Coots was right 25% faster harvest time using barley

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Found some good photos on a other thread. I’ll put em here to keep it together

23 days ago. (this looks to be about right after stretch ended.)

13 days ago

7 days ago


Five days later the cuts look good. I had to do away with the stalk. I have no room for all that.

I’d say 95% chance of success given they have held their integrity up to now. Stems are solid. No slimy or fuzzy business. Bigger one getting rough like root bumps about to get going so I moved it to coco. Gonna be a long time before this show kicks off but it’s in the works. I’ll wake this thread up for show time.

I’m on 15 days today an this hella jelly is killing it im thinking 45 days maybe

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Looking good! Happy girls. What the hell is hella jelly lol

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Bro its grows crazy fast
Has all the flavor
Thc an flowers fast
Its from Dark hearts selection from Humbolt seeds

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No bloombooster
Canna silica cal mag biocozyme an slf100

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Sounds good!

I’m with you, less is more. Look at this chunky beast. Just 321 and cal mag. Easy peasy.


Getting close now. Zzzz this nonsense takes forever. 99% chance of success now. Book it.



18 days this thing has just been sitting in a mason jar of tap water. Change it every other day or so. Kind of ridiculous that it’s not only alive but gonna regrow itself. Cannabis plants are badass. Or maybe plants are badass. I have never grown anything else.


I was told that there’s a clone only strain called Trinity and I should be getting it in soon. 45 days & high yielding …it was suppose to be here yesterday on the 26th. but it hasn’t arrived yet because of the holiday mail rush.

Trinity Humboldt Snow strain?