I cloned an Auto

Yeah I know better. But I trusted a breeder after iI ho’d myself for free seeds. I was told the product was a “fast” version. Meaning it was crossed with an auto to reduce flowering time. Ok. Anyway the first bean started flowering before I was even ready to top it (in case you care I harvested that plant today). I still trusted breeder figuring it was a “1” off. Wrong, but I took precautions just in case (includin taking cuttings). Any way had to go out of town and plants under life support till I got back(4days just water). Anyway I return and the second plant is flowering, oh crap I took cuttings. Well damage done , I transplanted the cuttings to 1 gallon fabric grow bags. So let’s see what happens


other plant

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I can’t be the only one who read that title and said “no you didn’t” as I clicked on the thread :laughing:

Would definitely be cool if it works though!


I cloned an auto I had. Ended up trashing them as the parent didn’t do much for me. It was the result of ditchweed pollen getting on a plant I had outdoor. It ended up producing well, just not enough THC to make it interesting, not enough CBD to be medicinal. The clone starts roughly at the day you took it from the parent and has less time to mature so it will be a smaller plant.

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I saw a guy clone an auto and honestly it turned out ok. I would not recommend it but you might be surprised.

The thread title was attiring icon_e_surprised|nullxnull, the result of the experiment will be a complete surprise if it is finally successful, wishing to find out, good luck with it … beer3|nullxnull

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I’ve cloned an autoflower after it started flowering, then I reversed and self-ed it too.

It re-vegged a bit, and only gave me a couple developed seeds but it was more of an experiment anyway.

Edit* Sorry don’t mean to spam your thread with my pics… :pray:


I’ve had success with cloning a few autos, they didn’t do much. Stinky little fuckers though.



I thought of this the other day and this seems as good a place as any to ask since the focus is on autos doing nonauto things- why won’t an auto reveg, or will it?

Green crack auto clones


They have there own life time. You can’t reveg as they don’t depend on light.


That’s what I figured.

I took one for giggles and it was a cute little plant with one flower.


The wife light stressed one. Burned the tallest bud.
She moved it and it made new branches that she cloned.
We are trying to do it again on another one right now


It’s cool that it’s working. I broke most of the “rules” of an auto on my first grow and it paid off big time. I love hearing when the stuff that “can’t or shouldn’t happen with autos” works out splendidly for people willing to take the risk.


Thanks for the comments, all are welcome. The above photo is an update of the clones with the mother. About a week into flower and clones aren’t showing anything. The plant right rear is a plant I harvested a couple of days ago and attempting to reveg. That’s all for now. I’ll post updates occaisionally.


Well it’s been about a week so Mom is about two weeks into flower. The two auto clones seem to be just starting to flower. Maybe stress to being cloned. And front left is a hopeful reveg ( ended up in pic last week so I thought I would include in updates)

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I’ve cloned a few. The problem is they are still the same age technically. I never had an auto clone grow into a new full sized plant. They will flower the one branch you cloned though, Sometimes it’ll last 2 weeks longer than mom. Not worth the trouble.

Now you need to tell everyone here which breeder is adding auto’s to cut down on flowering time on photoperiods…PEEPS NEED TO BE WARNED! :slight_smile:


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