Fastest flowering photo period you have seen?

29 days ago I took these photos

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This mini project was not a top priority and I’m not sure exactly when they went into 1212. But 29 days after those photos of plants with no buds I’m ready to chop one of them. FAST!

So what’s the fastest you’ve seen?


49 days. I let them go a week longer but they were ready at 49.


From start of 1212?

I only ask because I usually don’t count stretch in my “flowering time” just a personal quirk


Yes from flip. I was surprised too.


Yeah i would have to let her ride a bit and see what happens. 29 days seems way early. Ive had some plants finish around 48-50 days but seems to be individual plants not the strain in whole that finish early. Some go 2-3more weeks.


I’m as shocked as could be but she’s done. Full cloud. May give a day or two more for lowers because I see zero amber. But those top nugs are literally perfect to my taste.


Yeah i personally dont go for lot of amber. Some wont amber up and cloudy is all you get. But that real cloudy is where i like it. Im just wondering being so early how much more swell there will be now if they truly put on the most weight at the end as ppl say.


Her two sisters have awhile to go, one is still in what I call the pistil ball stage. This one is just a flat out freak.

I didn’t even realize how fast, it felt fast, but I would have taken clones if I was cognizant of the time frame. I just removed 3 lowers in an attempt to reveg them. Wish me luck I’d love to pollinate this plant with some 8-10 week dank and see what happens.


48 days. An anomaly I’m sure as I grew the same strain (from clone also) and it took an extra 7 days. This was also to 20-25% amber .


Thanks for the reply, I wish I had an exact date, my best guess is 35-40 right now. This thing was half cloudy half clear a couple days ago when I checked. It’s really moving at an absurd speed. I bet id see amber in days. Might have to let it ride and see. I do have a trich scope thingy for proof :yum:

Here’s a comparison shot of the slow / fast one together.


So far it’s a tie between @rooted’s breath of the beast and @anonymous4289’s Apollo ape, both under 60 days with hps lights. I’m assuming they’re gonna be a bit longer(not much)this time though since they’re under led.


I’m intrigued by Breath of the Beast…. Just sounds killer . @EugeneDebs420


I.had a bubba hash from ACE that was done in 56 days…I thought that was fast…lol
I.also.grew an f2 from island sweet skunk.and Tashkent landrqce that started flowering when dropped.from 24 hours to 16. He made huge colas that were too.heavy for her.limbs but tasted crappy even after a cure.

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Some of the best weed I’ve ever had the pleasure of smoking or growing. Managed to reveg my favorite from the last run. Got her in the flower tent now and her clones are growing up in the veg tent.


Now I’m even more intrigued. Will have to see if I can acquire some beans to run in 2022. That statement cannot be taken lightly……….


These plants are children of the stick monster by the way, how many of y’all remember me jabbering about that? Yeah I’m still playing around with that plant…in a sense lol


Today will be chop day. I saw two amber trichs yesterday :rage::joy:. I’m thinking I just kill the other two and then attempt reveg on the stalk as well as the 3 clones I cut.

@MoBilly hey brother you have a picture handy of the state you left your GDP in to prepare for reveg? in how much you cut off and how much you left on?

End of life shots.


I generally leave the lower third behind when revegging

Oh and fastest I have seen was 42 days from flip . Was a c99 from a number of years ago. I have had a few 50 and under Wolfpack F2 .

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Oddly enough I am marking this at day 42 mentally as it’s the outer range of what I think is possible, but I believe it’s likely actually been sub 40. Hopefully one of the reveg will take and I can do this properly.

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These cuts are at day 32 from flip and I will be shocked if they go past 50

This is them 32 days ago