FBSC Colombian Gold

I’ve never seen a bud like that in my whole life wow


Thank you @Old-Ron Looks like some great old school bud there.


I remember this going for $600 an ounce out here in California several years back from the only person I ever knew to grow it from his 10 year old clone. Thank you for this brother.


Got it! Whew! That was close, man! The frickin world almost exploded!
I got it, but I was just messing around. Thats just me.


(raises hand) hey there everybody! i recently became a level 2 member. would it be alright if i signed up for this? i know others have asked and they were told it was all good, but i am a really new member, so i wanted to make sure. thanks all!

i am a big sativa lover, although i’ve really only had dispensary weed or black market weed. so i would be very happy to get a chance to potentially start some of these beans.


As long as you don’t grab em and run, I can’t see why not? You made TL2, so you’re participating enough, and its open to TL2 members. Have you edited a wiki yet? Get the Wiki Editor badge! Get your name on there!

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word! i’ve been smoking for many moons, and while this is the start of my growing journey, i hope to spend many more moons with you guys round here.

what’s the wiki editor badge? i’ve tried searching for information on it but can’t find anything. i’d be happy to contribute as i can, although i’d be loathe to do something just to get a badge, especially if i had nothing useful to add.

i’m planning out my purchases right now and looking to make my big buys in april (lighting and tent) when i’m sure retailers will be running sales. so i’m hoping to pop my first seeds sometime shortly thereafter. i’ve got a small closet space i’ve gotta clear out before then. i have many seeds already in hand. i think i’ve picked out my first run or two already. i’ve sourced out soil and ewc, just waiting to buy. but there’s more reading and more research to do. and while i don’t want to get too excited because it’s still a few months away, i’m already imagining popping my first seeds.


edit the wiki and you’ll know😉
(yeah, we love out badges😎)

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If you click on a users name, and then on badges, you would see this:

Profile - highminwin - Overgrow.com

Basically you earn badges when you do things. First gallery, edit a wiki, run out of likes. You’ll earn em just by participating really, no need to go out of your way to earn one. Just figured since you ARE TL2, and since you dont have that badge, you havent edited a wiki before (be mindful of the warning if you are about to overwrite anothers edits that were made at the same time you were editing, just cancel and re-edit then). Its basic stuff here, the more you hang around, you’ll edit other wikis as well…

Also, on signups like this, it may be a bit of time before seeds are sent. Some are included in the Spring or Fall boxes, and those only go out once in spring / fall. So keep track of wikis you sign up for…

Thats a whole other subject though :wink: Don’t wanna derail Old-Ron’s thread here… Just read and browse and it will all be obvious soon enough (and ask questions if its not LOL)


awesome, thanks for the pointers! i really appreciate it. i was definitely aware that the seeds would be sent out later. i think growing will be a very good exercise for my patience, especially because i’ll be very limited in my grow space.

i’m currently hitting this durban poison, maui wowie blend in the pipe and all is good in the world!


I just learned that we could just search username category:37 to know what wikis we signed up for…
Sorry Ron…


Always add anything to my threads that helps someone. That is what this is all about. Always good for any of us to learn something new. Thanks for sharing it.


Sounds like this grow was quite the journey, thank you for offering these up. I’m really looking forward to growing this one as I’ve never had this strain.


Looks very interesting. Hope nobody minds if I throw my hat in the ring.

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Came late are seed still available ?__Peace

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High Times didn’t have cameras that good in 1983!!! :camera_flash:



Sign up is still open. Just head to the wiki at the top of the thread and add yourself to the list.


Just added my self on trust level 2 number 19.
@Old-Ron I just relized I was actually a trust level 2 member already so have now just added myself on to the list. Thanks for your help though it was very Og of you an also many many thanks for the hard work, effort and actually wanting to put these out. Thanks man an thanks to all the guys behind the scenes helping make these happen.
Ps I didnt know how to add a flag so just put the place in leters, if needs be can someone put the flag up, if no need then its cool.

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Excellent grown man everything’s looking amazing. You have total patience to go that long flowering indoors , awesome work! I won’t forget the favor if I do get some of the seeds to grow thank you.


I love what you are doing @Old-Ron and thank you very much for the legacy grow and share! :hugs: :pray: