FBSC Manga Rosa and Paraguay 2022

Tagged him weeks ago and nothing :disappointed:, hope he is fine, miss him and his guerrilla … icon_e_confused|nullxnull


@George Must be busy killing bugs!! :sweat_smile:
@Gugumelo Where are you brother!!? Hope everything is great!!


Thanks Abbbian. I will definitely do that as soon as possible.
I just went direct to this thread because that’s what I was looking for. A couple of years ago came to my hands a supposed “manga rosa” and some other seeds from a good green brick (probably from py), but every thing was loose, there were no certainty about the heritage. The only thing for sure were the long flowering days, which indicated they were from tropical zone. So I was looking for someone that grew them too, and if it resembles that ones.
@George just hope he is fine too


@josuejcas Este site é o paraíso!! Melhor que isto, só o Eden!! Enfumaçado!! :joy: :flushed: :sunglasses:
See you!!


Glad you joined us beer3|nullxnull, his last visit was on February, and that’s a long time :roll_eyes:, I know it must be summer over there and he will be pretty busy right now :seedling: :seedling:, but that’s only a wishful thinking …


I wish he had a good harvesting time with those paraguayan and with those mangos

just a short question, what does fbsc stand for?


@josuejcas Free seeds and free clones thread!!

Whenever an OGer asks for a “dibs” you type and say dibs as fast as you can!! You might win some beans!! Hope it helps!!


Freakers Ball Seed Collective who’s primary goal is to reproduce and preserve land race strain genetics.


@Tejas Oh boy! Was I on a tangent!? :flushed: :dizzy_face: :joy:

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Check this out …


thanks guys, I’ll definitely check this out.

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I hope he is well. Manga Rosa and Paraguay are both very rare landraces in their pure form. I sent Gugemelo seeds for him to reproduce for the Freakers. Very sad that the seeds are gone along with him.


Sad but true and the reason I took a chance sending the seed to Brazil. I believe the Manga Rosa was an old Brazilian Seed Company line that flowers 18-26 weeks. Not sure about collection date.
The Paraguay was from a friend. Collected in the 80’s i think.

No, but i won’t make the same mistake twice. Everyone will have to wait for me( or another Freaker) to personally grow the really rare strains now. Cant take another chance like that. They are too hard to get hold of.


Blz @josuejcas > Tu brotou por agora mlk Gugumelo de Santa Catarina > O cara tava fazendo um hunt irado com as genéticas do Upstate > e sumiu sem avisar >
Qual sua Latitude ? Isso é muito importante na escolha das sementes que tu vai germinar
Se você for do Nordeste > Sativa tropical de baixa altitude > Malawi Congo > White Widow seria top
Do sudeste > L23º minha e do @Haxixandoamente > Prenseed bank > 0800
Esse ano mesmo > Colhi uma planta de Pren > Berlotão > No outro fórum > o Stuart sprautou 500 de um hunt paraguayo =Lixo ]

Pior mutuca da favela é que pode vir seed com traços de genetica sativa das antigas Paraguayan …


o corre que ele tava fazendo era monstro, cultivando tudo em guerrilha e preservando as genéticas, trampo monstro, e por isso mesmo que fiquei preocupado se ele tá safe, por fazer tempo que ele não fazia nenhuma postagem

e no caso subi estas fotos pra saber se alguém reconhece nelas algum traço das paraguayas antiguas


salve, também tava acompanhando a guerilla… muito foda. aliás, fico impressionado com os brazukas que encontro por aqui… só mestre! uma honra estar aqui junto de vocês.

hey bro… I was following this guerilla too, it was awesome. nonetheles, im impressed with all the master growers from Brazil in OG… the best. It’s an honor to be amongst you guys.

Espero que o guerrilheiro dê notícias em breve, deve ser por causa do período do ano.

I hope the guerrila-guy will be back shortly, it must be something about ‘this time of the year’.


Tô ligado disso, much respect aos vanguarda no cultivo, ativistas e mães do brasa que fazem um corre bravo nas associações. Cheguei agora nesse forum, mas jà vem de tempo desde primera tentativa de cultivo, (na época eu nem sabia o que era forum, e nem que o q eu tava fazendo chamavam de guerilha). sei dos perrengues q se passa por aqui, ter de ficar horas de mutuca por causa do zépovo, dispensar umas plants e perder planta em floração pisotiada por gado xD

Elas mesmas que eu busco, são as q eu mais curti a chapação, apesar dos dubs magros. cheguei a germinar 16 delas isoladas e selecionar 4 estáveis (folha fina, forte dependencia do photoperiodo, e excluindo a hermis e os machos de floração rápida) pra polinização aberta.

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I’ve been worried he got in trouble. He seemed like a great guy.


I have been afraid something happened with him too. He seems a good sort. I sure hope he’s alright.


Me too. Hopefully everything is ok.
gugumello seems like a cool guy and he was hardcore with his organic gardening techniques. The man harvested cow urine just to fertilize his plants, I mean talk about dedication!

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