Festival Goers!

Phishy Fact #420 :wink:

My sister is “THE Esther Girl”. She had a 2 page writeup in the Pharmers Almanac, and is responsible for the Esther at the Clifford Ball and two other shows. She would sew a homemade Esther doll (from the cover art for Junta), and toss it on stage. THREE times she did it, THREE times she got her Esther! She then brought her own Esther Doll to an album signing, asked Trey to sign it, and he recognized the doll. She had sewn a “made especially for Eliza (Treys daughter) by Caroline” tag in each one she tossed on stage. When Trey saw hers at the signing, he said “Caroline?” “Eliza just LOVES the Esther Doll you tossed on the stage”. She has all the band members autographs on her Esther, plus many key people in Phistory… Tom Marshall (Lyricist), Chris Kuroda (Lighting), Dude of Life (Lyrics), Paul Languedoc (guitar tech), and others I am forgetting. That doll tells an amazing story!


LOL. and I arrived 10 hours after my sister did (we did the PNC shows before, and pit-stop at home). But I managed to find my sister within 15 minutes of parking the Jeep. And remember, we really didnt have cell phones then, not like we do today. So it was just pure luck, but we always had that lucky connection with Phish. Never took more than 20-30 mins to find each other, and Oswego was a record (It was even later, like 8:30 at night, we parked and headed toward the venue. WHAM there’s my sis)… Good times for sure!

The Giant Marshmallows. LOL. Love how they always made a great adult playground for us!

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