FieldEffect's Attempt to Grow Indoors

This phenomenon is very frequent with Ketama hash cultivar, for the sake to share something cultural ^^

Not easy to catch, but you’re looking the same phenomenon. This specific trait isn’t easy to handle or even to explain, it’s multilayered and a part of a kind of “drift” sequence.

Just remember that it’s extremely linked with the recurrent “gemini” expression of cannabis in various type of lines. The hardcore version of your expression extrapolated, is simply the plant splitting from top and generating two apex (then twice auxins promoters, but not necessary twice dosage). It happes directly when the plant is directly coming from a double ovary seeds :

In this case, two independant embryos were viable in the same seed. But most of the time they are “siamese” joined by the radicle, trunk or even perfectly “soldered” until they reach full hormonal maturity … it’s generally where the apex are splitting or trunk becoming dual.

If the DNA don’t include dedicated portions (for each “genetic entity”), you just get a disorder of portions “over-used”. Like a bit a “remanence + duplicata bug” each time the plant hit a given portion to read.

You get this in a little less extreme version, on the photo it’s an induced triploid. The plant have too much code for a single specimen, so it explode in all direction.

On the hormonal plan this specific phenomenon occur with pure hashplants, it occur also with tall tropical sativas and even is(was) known to be constant on some lines like the JH by example, prone to express double ovary. It’s a cytokinin disorder, but it’s a consequence. A symptom of the funk if you want, not a direct leverage or the cause. The plant just need a shit ton of dose to handle the code, so it adapt. Just like a lanky/stretchy plant lacking of light, thay overdrive its auxins rate to reach good illumination faster (if the code permit this ofc).