FieldEffect's Attempt to Grow Indoors

I’m almost at capacity for my little cooler. I think only about 15 slots left.

~230 varieties in tubes, few loose in breeder packs. I better get to growing faster :joy:


Quite a lot actually in the shape, just a lot less colored.
I’m glad you got the hydro-tempo anyway ^^

My little favorite (totally arbitrary lol) is the 907 Blue Genes x Shiskeberry #3 on the left.

It is even zoomed.

It’s more addictive that the plant itself, true dope.


I’m curious why you like her.

I like it mostly because of the smell. Intriguing to learn what others see that I’m blind to.

Sure is :sunglasses:

1 Like

Mostly for its resilience in term of shape and hormones.

1 : It’s rare when a plant totally relocate its apex then its auxin production (fully like here), this plant made it in starting a trunk at what look like the 3th node.

2 : The two hormonal blocks of flowers, when you look closely the first block follow the old apex location and the second come from one block. It’s kewl as fuck ^^

3 : The look of the (new) apical bud, like nothing happened over the full functional displacement of the apex.

Like i said it’s arbitrary, i don’t know shit on the weed she’s producing. I just like her DNA in term of grow, answer to (a radical ^^) pinching and her resilience.

Welcome in my fucked brain ^^ Now i’m maybe biased by the love i have for the Giger#1 lol


Interesting. I was drawn to the splitting of the trunk thing as well, something I haven’t seen before. The two main “trunks” emerging are indeed very stout. I like her smell above the other Shisk offspring. We’ll see how she does outside over the summer :sunglasses:

Since we are already chatting, or I’m already typing at you, what are your thoughts on the flat stem and broad buds of N4 and N2? Fasciated primary/apical flowers.

Here’s the roadkilled N4 apical flower:

This appears only in the main top and stem, the shoot flowers and branches all look normal. Also a hormonal thing?

I see lots of comments that these fasciated flowers are lacking in terps/trichs/smoke quality but it looks and smells good to me. All uncharted waters with these strange characteristics.


This phenomenon is very frequent with Ketama hash cultivar, for the sake to share something cultural ^^

Not easy to catch, but you’re looking the same phenomenon. This specific trait isn’t easy to handle or even to explain, it’s multilayered and a part of a kind of “drift” sequence.

Just remember that it’s extremely linked with the recurrent “gemini” expression of cannabis in various type of lines. The hardcore version of your expression extrapolated, is simply the plant splitting from top and generating two apex (then twice auxins promoters, but not necessary twice dosage). It happes directly when the plant is directly coming from a double ovary seeds :

In this case, two independant embryos were viable in the same seed. But most of the time they are “siamese” joined by the radicle, trunk or even perfectly “soldered” until they reach full hormonal maturity … it’s generally where the apex are splitting or trunk becoming dual.

If the DNA don’t include dedicated portions (for each “genetic entity”), you just get a disorder of portions “over-used”. Like a bit a “remanence + duplicata bug” each time the plant hit a given portion to read.

You get this in a little less extreme version, on the photo it’s an induced triploid. The plant have too much code for a single specimen, so it explode in all direction.

On the hormonal plan this specific phenomenon occur with pure hashplants, it occur also with tall tropical sativas and even is(was) known to be constant on some lines like the JH by example, prone to express double ovary. It’s a cytokinin disorder, but it’s a consequence. A symptom of the funk if you want, not a direct leverage or the cause. The plant just need a shit ton of dose to handle the code, so it adapt. Just like a lanky/stretchy plant lacking of light, thay overdrive its auxins rate to reach good illumination faster (if the code permit this ofc).


Woa, I’ve been lagging missing time, and could only catch back not so long ago. Been growing good and solid since then here. :slight_smile: Been learning in your journey too. Now I’m curious how these will perform outdoor. Specially N4, indeed does not look like it’s missing on the trich department at least.

I’ve heard fasciation could come to polyploidy, and can be found in line where colchicine was used at some point.


Fascinating, thanks for writing that up!

Speaking of poly-ovary seeds…these are the 907 Blue Genes seeds cracking last year, exactly. 1/3 are double-ovary. So the funk is in the line.

Very curious how these will turn out. What an experiment :cowboy_hat_face:

Welcome back to the crazy closet @funkyfunk hopefully I don’t grow an extra arm after smoking N4 :rofl:


lol a third eye at least for sure
Well, your observation definitively cement mine then.



Maybe a magic green thumb you just have to plant in the soil to fix anything?

1/3 double ovary that’s huge.


Well, I’m in Texas and remotely fucked up my light cycle. Was checking before lights on whether the controller time gets jacked if I check on it. I must have accidentally turned the flower light cycle off because when I checked on it this morning I saw it wasn’t on. Anyway, fixed now but I feel like an idiot :rofl:

So they had a longer than normal night.

And in case anyone is wondering, the Controller 69 time stays in it’s home time zone. They can’t, unfortunately, stop the obsessive human manipulating the controls. :joy:


So your plants also got an eclipse :wink:


Yes :rofl:

Back home and no regrets for the 24 hours of drive time required to make that happen. Amazing. Weather was great and the clouds broke perfectly in time.

Anyway, the artificially eclipsed plants are fine.

I think it’s time to get out the microscope, N4 and R3 are getting close to the finish line. I need to get my drying cabinet turned on and ready :sunglasses:

Yesterday I received some unexpected cuts from @Rhino_buddy and got them into plugs. Took some snips of S1, S3 and N4 as well. The clone setup is under 2 layers of folded white tissue paper to create 100umol intensity under the dome, while the two rooted Romulan cuts are sitting about 400umol. The Romulans are doing well despite quite a tough stretch in the mail and rooting :sunglasses: Thanks!

Momma plants chillin’

Cheers :clinking_glasses:


I take the bet that you will see a bunch of milky for now, you plan it within ten days ?


Looks like less than a week out by eye. If they are all milky and some amber I’ll chop. I think I have had a tendency to over-ripen. I’ll prepare the dryer and I can easily dry whenever the time comes.

I think R3 is coming down this weekend, N4 maybe a few days longer


Looking good despite the “eclipse” :smiley: I know someone who’s gonna have good times soon.


R3 is a bit closer than N4, smells good but powerfully “rubber” smell. We’ll see how I like it. Today marks Day 49, the close of week 7. It was hard to get microscope screen captures but R3 has some amber, mostly cloudy. N4 50-75% cloudy with no ambers.

R3 (Runtz x Sour Bubble) Day 49:

N4 (907 Blue Genes x NL#1) Day 49:

I’ll get the dry cabinet fired up tomorrow and take R3 down Saturday or Sunday AM.


For whatever reason the pictures aren’t as good this morning. I don’t know. Kinda feeling lethargic this AM not sure why.

Tent looked content this AM:

Anyway, the line updates.

907 Blue Genes x NL#1:

907 Blue Genes x Shiskeberry #3:

Runtz x Sour Bubble:

The Ripening:

RSB 3 and NL 4 are nearing chop time. Today is day 50, still quite early. I managed to get some better pics of each this morning.


Still some clear heads, probably going to wait a bit more than I expected. Certainly there is some variation in maturity top to bottom.


I’m guessing another week on this one.

The dry cabinet is running and stabilized, I can at any moment chop these things and toss them in. Easy. So I’ll just keep an eye on them and follow my instinct for the proper moment. I relocated them in the tent so they are easy to pull out and inspect/chop.

The solo cups are doing alright.

Anyway, hope you all have a great day/weekend! Looking forward to smoking my first indoor herb, few weeks away :cowboy_hat_face:


Something something eye of the beholder

Looking good from here man :v::sunglasses:


Beholder is in a better mood today :grin:

Damn it does seem looking good in there :cowboy_hat_face:

I think N4, S1 and Romulan are getting a run outside. I’ll do 7 outdoor full-term plants this year. That leaves me 4 slots for other stuff from seed. Tough decisions :rofl:

I want to run FDM C99, something more untamed sativa, and maybe a good OG-er bred variety or two