How to convince family members you live with to grow indoors?

I’ve grown outdoors for years, and I’m at the point I want a tent. The only thing holding me up is family. I need pros and cons, arguments to win. Simple answers if possible.


Because it’s something you would like to do. You have more control of a lot of variables. Because it’s something you would like to do.

Did I mention, because it’s something you would like to do? I think that should be enough. We encourage those we care about to do the things that bring them joy. Hope you get your tent soon or even the go ahead to build out a custom space. Curious if they’ve vocalized any specific objections that could be better rebutted than simply saying it’s something you’d like to do. Many blessings and much love


In my opinion they have a complete misconception of what I’m trying to do. Mindset of a dead or old generation. They know nothing at all about indoor vs outdoor or why how cost Passion! ect. I’ve been fighting this for last 2 years and its like talking to a wall.


DINK life baby


Start paying the full rent and electricity if not already.


Need some real responses. I’m sick of this argument, its time for a change.

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Just do it. In your bedroom if you must


Is it your house that you own on your own or with a spouse or other family member?


Tell them you got cancer and need your medicine, the outdoor stuff don’t work the same.

It’s a hassle. My gf hates weed. The smell fresh burned vaped whatever. I convinced her with medical reasons. And lots of promises. It’s been hell. Constants battles of I can smell it but you can’t etc etc . Go with medical , criminals. Bugs etc. But beware of lots of stress and arguments in the future . Good luck


I’ve had serious health problems my whole life and moved home unable to hold a job. I pay for the food we eat, yard work, snow, ect. Father passed a couple years back and I’m taking care of my mother. She’s an old jewish lady stuck in her ways. We are very different people.


Are you married ?
Do you have kids in the house ?
Do you own or rent your house ?
These are questions we should know, so we can give great answers.
I can see if your spouse has concerns if there are little kids in the house. You just have to convince them that this is a better option. Have a response ready for questions like,
“What are we gonna do about the smell, I don’t want people coming over with that smell.”
“Were gonna get busted for our electric use”
(Electric company don’t care as long as you pay that bill. Miss a payment or two and you got a problem.)
Tell them you will be very careful and let the other people feel part of your grow. Create a partnership.
Hope that helps a bit.


I’m sorry bud that’s a tough spot to be in, but it sounds like your in your mom’s house and it’s her rules. Tough situation for sure but I look at it as a respect thing for your mom.


Single. No kids. House was left in both names. Plan to keep in veg till summers ECT so no smell. Legal state michigan. Led option less electricity and at night.


I’m almost 50 years old lol


Grow! Grow my pretties!


I understand, but it’s not just your home. In any relationship there are going to be compromises. If you want free reign to do as you please than it really needs to be a home you own, otherwise compromises are a must for a healthy relationship.


Oh, all sounds good. Except for Ma’s blessing.
Might be worth staying outside for now.


Yes the mother thing throws a wrench in it


Well try to convince her. I need to win some arguments lol. More ideas I got the better, I don’t wanna give up on this.