To trim or not to trim my plant

This bottom stuff has been explosively growing the past few days I’m wondering if I should trim it so the top


i would leave it as is.


I’d leave it because it will stunt it but if anything I would top it to limit height and clone that topping

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Yeah I’m in a 2x2 tent I think that or 2x3 , I was definitely wondering what to do with that top, so I gotta say how do you clone ?

I’ve seen where you can just take the clipping and put it in a cup of water until roots form , then you can pop it in soil

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Also since its already flowering ( being a auto landrace ) would it be bad to top?

I don’t know much about autos,I’ve never grown them but if it’s a pure auto chances are it won’t clone easy anyway. Someone else is probably more experienced with them.You can also bend it over to get more light,I’ve also taken branches and tips and snapped them to get an urn

I wouldn’t mess with it at that stage.


Rightfully so, I wont be, Im just a little worried itll keep getting tall and snap from the top weight and or get too tall for the tent :P… Now I suppose I can actually open up the tent and let it keep getting taller. Good Idea actually im totally doing that

On second thought I know my lights not strong enough for any taller :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t think it will be bad to top it.The only bad thing is it will not grow any higher that is all

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Well I wouldnt mind stopping it from growing higher but Autos cant really be cloned, this plant is already in flower

Nah, if it is an auto don’t trim it you can really impact your yield negatively. LST that girl, tie her down so all the branches are at an ~equal height so they all get the same light intensity and tie down any branches that stretch on you.


i usually top all my autos. somewhere around the 5th or 6th internode. snip.
keeps them from getting too tall and spindly and also makes two tops instead of one.

the trick with autos is the soil mix. if you supercharge it with your veg AND flower amendments, the plant has what it needs when it needs it. there is no nute balancing act if you get the soil mix proper. and if you’re trying to balance nutes with an auto, it’s already too late.

my auto soil mix is a loose interpretation of build a soil married to mr.canucks grow leaning more towards mr.canuck. he’s got the right idea.


Did something happen to her as she was growing?
She looks pretty rough, and I usually get all that lower growth when the plant is stressed early on.
The more mature leaves look like she had some kind of watering or nute/ph issue.
All that to say she already looks stressed, so I wouldn’t add more stress to the mix.


I would bend it over and trim nothing


this is a lower bud that grew on one of my plants


My solution:)


It is a landrace so that may be why the leaves look like that but I do agree, I’ve probably had watering / ph issues or nute issues

Yeah man I’d bend her over even lower if the stem allows to let those lowers catch up.


shit good point, it should allow it, its real bendy rn

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