Firehead’s Autoflower projects

If your willing to post to the UK I’ll take a pack for my summer Poly tunnel grow. :+1:

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@Esrgood4u sure thing. I will send to UK via letter. It will be slow but it will get there :+1:


That’s cool of you mate. They have until march/April to get here to me so they can take as long as needed. I really wanna smell that LRUV pineapple smell again and adding some mango will only enhance it even more :heart_eyes:


Are there still some available? Wouldn’t mind trying those. :v::green_heart:


Hey @firehead , did you get my addy info? I was away for a bit , I see you posted something, then deleted it lol can I delete the info now?

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Still available? I’m down if so


@Donnie yes. Two remain. Send me a PM with addresss and they will be on the way


Dibs dibs dibs please if still available?

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@Chirpxchirp yup. You got the last pack! Send a pm with address and they will be shipped


welp, missed it. congratulations to the successful dibbers…lol.

@firehead damned decent of you to do this. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


@SaintAliasKnife I’ll be making some more available next week, after I sift some more beans out of the buds. I’ll be sure you are at the top of the list for the next batch


oh wow! thank you sir! rather unexpected and sincerely welcomed. I’ll be sure to reciprocate.

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@firehead ugh I’m 9hrs too late it seems, otherwise I’d be happy to snag a pack…

Looks like a cool cross… this is an Auto?


@CADMAN yes. This is a full auto strain.

Mango smile is very sativa, and when I ran the LRUV to make the F3s, I kept the seeds from my most sativa leaning mom because she had the most unique smells.

So, these offspring should lean heavily in that tall sativa direction.


Sounds like a keeper :wink: I’m assuming you get fruit mango type smells?

The mango smile does have a touch of subtle mango, but I wouldn’t say it’s the dominant smell. Its more like equal parts of Spice/Skunk/Sweet (mango). The more it cures the more skunk is coming through.

What I hope to get after crossing these two, (and working it for a couple generations) is a mid sized sativa-dom autoflower with a complex spicy/peppery/super-sweet smell

I’m hoping the LRUV pushes the sweet/spicy smells waaaaay up.


All 10 packs of seeds went to the post office today. :rocket:


Those lruv you sent me long ago, were some of my favorites. I hope for more down the road sometime. @ReikoX said he had 1 pack left he was gonna work, so I’m all excited again! :partying_face:

I bet that mango smile cross is delicious.

Nice work @firehead!


I tried that with DE it worked OK for the first couple of days but wicked a lot of moisture from the soil and turned into a horrible gooey mess that looked like a brown meringue and stuck to everything it touched :joy:

You have to be careful with DE it has sodium in it. Don’t breath in the dust or get it in your eye’s it will damage your lungs and eyes. You can sprinkle it on your food and eat it if it’s food grade, it will kill parasites in your gut.

My infestation was bad, I would have to change 3 double sided 8x5 inch yellow stickerst every 2-3 days. I would have over a hundred gnats stuck on it before I could tie the sticker to the light cord above the plants lol. I would open the tent door and a cloud of them would try and fly out.

I got some predator mites in the end, that cleared them up in a couple of weeks, and they are still doing it 2 years later. I keep finding them running around in my soil. Never had a gnat problem since, so long as there are a few gnats for the mites to eat they stay and breed.


The nematodes have knocked the infestation waaaay down. Now, I’m only seeing 3 or 4 flying around. They are almost all gone.