First Coco experience

You have guide me for the basic Coco rules.I want to get a feedback.I have been feeding ph5,8 and 350 to 450 ppm or 0.7-09 EC for my feedings those First 3-4 days with 1ml A+B Canna Coco Always run off and measure 10 to 20 ppm less than input.
My tap water Is 200 ppm
Are those babies ok to be 3 and 5 days old or I am stunting Them?
Temp 24 average and Rh 55-60%


Looks/sounds good to me my friend.


to me it seems ok…some genetics take a longer time to develop more quickly

I would wrap this transparent pot with something dark, roots don’t like light

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The numbers look good, @Andrexl

What’s you feeding schedule? I’m asking because they look like they may be a little over watered. I like to keep the coco just slightly moist when they’re that size. The seedlings don’t need much moisture till they get more roots.

They don’t look stunted, though… nice job! :slight_smile:


I am feeding once,Daily,with those numbers.I May get them a bit more to stimulate those roots to grow.
I have a stimulant called root juice from Biobizz but Is supposed to work organically/with an enzyme activators in Coco…

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One Is a cross I got as gift,the other Is a NorthernLight auto from Royal Queen seeds

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cool bro, I haven’t had the opportunity to cultivate these strains yet. But I want to take a northern lights

It is also good to pay attention to the amount of watering, because at this stage it is important to have a little water stress, to stimulate the development of the roots.


I killed a lot Bro cause of overwatering,in soil.It Is why I am trying Coco,they Say rule n1 never let It get dry,so I am doing that,but Maybe at this stage I should go easier on fertigation
I also recommend Northern Light,It Is a good strain to grow indoor

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Just a suggestion, I would simply follow Canna’s A+B schedule for your first go in coco. No additives, no P/K for bloom. See how the Canna works alone before you try to start pushing your plants. AnB are plenty sufficient all by themselves.

You’re growing a weed, it’s not like Jack’s beanstalk, be patient :slight_smile:


Check out for their seedling feeding schedule. Works like a charm but things are looking pretty good so far!

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Thank for answering friend,I read It whole but this Is for photos,I run autos and I am giving lower ppms,I don’t know if they look stunted but as for now,everyone Is telling me they are ok and It is reassuring