First Coco watering

Hi,I got my First watering till runoff in a solo Cup, autoflowering sprout,pH in 5,81 out 6,18.
Ppm in 346 and out 322 Hanna scale.Does It sound right?
Used canna Coco A+B.
My question Is,Is saved the nutrient solution in a reservoir bottle.Can I use It for later or should I do It Always at the Moment?


I grow my seedlings in cups of soil. Then transplant to 3 gal fabric pots of coco. I find it easier. This way I dont have to worry about feeding seedlings.


I am Total new and overwhelmed by Coco’s difference with soil,so I Just tried to not mix the two.Anyway,I can save the batch I made and use It later Just checking pH and adjust of It Is the case right?

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Are you talking stored mixed bottle nutes? Usually they’re ok for couple days. Depending what’s in em. But yes check pH before using again cause it usually changes as it sits.


Yes I talk canna Coco A&B mixed in tap water Phed to 5,81.It Will drift I know 'cause I used Biobizz pH down,It Is citric acid and tends to go up in time.

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Yes, you can save it.

When I used Canna, I’d mix up 5-10 gallons at a time. and use it over a week.

I used R.O. water, and the pH held, but like rooted said, you should probably check it until you’re sure.

5.8 pH going in is perfect. I found reading runoff pH to be a waste of time, unless something very weird was going on, just IMHO.

I had the same mindset when I went from dirt to coco. When I finally really accepted that coco was hydro, things got a lot easier, lol!


If everything is looking good I don’t check runoff. But when I see something looks wrong I check runoff. Usually the Ec is high from salt build up. I find if I double up on the amount I run through (double the amount of runoff) every 4 or 5 days I wont get biuld up. Has been working for me in my current coco grow.


Great advice brother :raised_hands:t2:


Good to hear that works for you :slight_smile: .

IME, the main reason for salt buildup comes from not enough water/feeding, coco gets dry, salts crystalize, and don’t want to release unless flushed. I don’t get any salt buildup if I can keep the coco consistently moist.

A great thing about coco is that, if you have to, you can flush any screwups and reset. I’d just rather not, lol!


Too bad I think This Little One Is dying,but,I don’t think It Is my fault because the plant was sprouting inside the paper towel already and I had to wait One more day to get Coco since they sent me Canna Terra instead…She was already yellowing when I put in coco

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I’ve had plenty of seedlings that had 4" taproots, and had yellow cotyledons by the time I got them into coco. Most made it :slight_smile:

I haven’t grown autos for a while, so take this with a grain of salt.

Anytime I’ve had an auto that had an early problem, it never fully recovered. That one may be okay, but if it doesn’t within a couple of days, just in case, I’d drop another seed, for insurance.

Keep this one going, if you can, just for the learning experience… I’ve always learned a lot more from screwing up than from lucky successes, lol!

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