Quick leaf diagnosis

Hi Brothers.Those here seems to grow slowly.
4 Days ago started to form the First true leaves.
Temp=24-24,5C° RH=between 57-62%
Coco+perlite. Feed EC 0.7 includes calmag and nutes+silica
Light dimmed 80watt at 35cm.
Leaf tems average 24C°
Why does they seems slowed to me?Also One has the serrated edges pointing a bit up,like heat stress or too dry RH.
What do you think?


Rancho relaxo they take a few to get going.


Floor temp is important this time of year. The roots need to think its spring.I would put them in dark plastic cups not clear. Roots don’t get sun underground.


@SkunkHunt101 didn’t have something Better for this stage,but Will try to Hide Them.Also,floor temp Is :ok_hand:
@arb they seem to me like going very slowly considering the past ones.This has got me a Little worried because they are autos

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I would get a trash bag and wrap the cup a few times with a long cut strip of it to size. Make sure they is adequate air holes in the cup /cover as well they need to breath. Don’t over water as well all these things including temp of the roots all important in winter.


EC 0,7 might be too high, specially if they’re autos, try to go for an easier choice (reg + soil) next run … beer3|nullxnull

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Just ‘double cup’ them in the light blocking cups, that way you can check root development easily.



In addition to all the good advice above, first 3 weeks or so most of your action is going on in the root zone, not above ground.

They look fine, feed conservatively and water appropriately and they’ll take off about day 21. Good luck


Duct tape is something most growers possess and is your friend in this instance :+1:

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This photo shows what @Gpaw is saying.

You just put the clear cup inside the solid colored light blocking cup.

Do You have drain holes in your cups?

Yours look good for the time frame.

:green_heart: :seedling:


Thank you so much :heart:

Yes they do have draining.I cut 3 Pieces on the bottom following the circled diameter of the Cup shape

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Never seen a so slow seedling in my grows.There Is something wrong.2 days later and still putting the First three finger leaves :frowning:

Temperature and Rh seems ok…
I also check on leaf temp and It is average 24,5-25C°

I don’t think anything is wrong, they look fine. You’re at risk of really having something go wrong by getting anxious and doing something they don’t need. At that stage they only need water, and no overwatering.
With an auto you’ll probably have to resist the urge to do too much, feeling rushed for time. They will start a growth spurt in no time, just be patient and have faith I’d say.