First coco grow. Do i need to supplement calmag with canna a+b?

Starting my first coco grow. I bought a 10lb compressed brick and am in the process of washing and buffering it. Im going to be using canna coco a&b. Just curious if i should also be supplementing with a calmag supplement.


I’ve grown almost exclusively w/coco for the past few years and it has been my experience that yes you will need to supplement cal/mg. W/o it you will experience nutrient lockout usually fairly quickly. I’ve never used those nutrients though so im not sure if they contain cal and/or mg or not.

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I grow in coco and I would say it depends. What kind of water are you going to use? I use tap water which has calcium so I just add Epsom salt and drop the Calmag. When using RO I add the Calmag and skip the Epsom salt. Also as stated above I don’t know those nutes. I use GH trio.

I have really hard well water. Coming in around 450ppm out the tap. Ill be using RO water.

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Ok so it will be stripped of pretty much everything. Being RO I would add it, you can always drop it and see what happens with one plant as you grow.

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I might use their rhizo during veg. Ive read reports of people using a bunch of the canna amendments and havent noticed much of a difference with or without them. I really have no clue what im doing and coco is brand new to me so trying to keep it stupid simple.

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I’m with you mate would love to try coco/perlite but theres so many articles on the net which sound contradictive of each other particularly regarding watering and so on. I use Dyna Gro nutes in soil/perlite and they state you dont need calmag in anything as their formulation includes it.

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Yes, and preferably the canna Calmag, it’s very good. the canna rizhotonic is good too, just use that canna a+b, canna calmag and rizotonic, if you want You can add fulvic acids and that’s it… the canna bloom boster drives my plants a little crazy and I don’t like it. don’t spend the money on it.

Thanks buddy. I’ve been in soil for years but after having issues, im just looking to make the change. Super excited, but a bit intimidated.


don’t worry, coconut is very easy to work with and even easier to correct mistakes, buy a quality coconut, the pressed bricks are very loaded with salts, so you save yourself the time of washing it. do not raise the EC more than 1.2 maximum and always water until you have a little runoff, it does not take much, just a little, to wash the coconut, always controlled pH without exceeding 6.2 or falling below 5.8… here we are to help brother, lets go.


I use Canna Coco Pro, feed the seedlings with 1/4 or 1/3 strength the first days, then full strenght, I dont buffer nor use extra calmag.

To the people who add CalMag: do you put it in every feed or every couple feeds?

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i use coco 70/30 and gia green 4-4-4 2-8-4 50/0 mix 3 tbs per gallon plus worm castings after they get going i foliar spay 2-3 times a day with ph 5.8-6.2 calmag solution no ther amendments or nutes this pic is 2 weeks until flip the tall ones on the end are like 3 weeks ahead of the middle ones

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I guess I never have done a foliar spray, I always read it can magnify the drops on the leaves and put burn marks into them.

I started in coco with Canna Coco A&B, with RO water and never had to add cal/mag. It’s easy enough to start simply in coco, and then adjust accordingly if you need too.

I’ve been growing in coco for a while now, and have never used cal/mag. I use either Ca or Mg, never had a need to use the combo. YMMV :slight_smile:

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It depends on several factors, the variety, some consume more than others, the intensity of light, you adjust that with experience, if your water is filtered 0.0 You always reaches 0.4 ec with calmag. adding 0.4 of Calmag in each watering doesn’t hurt either, then you do one watering yes, another one no, and you watch how they respond and you go down until you reach your point… but basically the coconut needs Calmag, it’s very important, since the coconut itself consumes or blocks a part of the calm.


Oh okay, thanks for the clarification

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Calmag Is for feeding the Coco,not plant,what remains Is seen by the roots,so you can adjust starting with low calmag dose and see how plant reacts,if deficiency appears,upp calmag,the right level should be 0.4 EC of only calmag.It Is like a safe spot from where you can tweak It for the specific strain.I second that
@Alta.Gama and his words @HorseBadorites


It Is part of the same nutrient solution.First add calmag,if you have It add Silica supplements before even calmag,then,After the calmag wait 5 minutes and add the rest of the nutrients.This Is the order.For Canna Nutrients It Is like this:Calmag,A/B,rhizotonic,booster,cannazym and lastly pk13/14.
Then pH to 5,7-8.
You are done.


not if you use a fine mister