Soil Preparation For First Grow

I am living in India want to prepare a soil for my first indoor grow . I selected autos to grow this is my first time these happy frog promix hp these brands don’t deliver in my country.


Build your own soil:
1 part Coco/Peat
1 part aeration = Pumice, Vermiculite, etc
1 part compost you make in your own back yard
… see what happens :smiley:


In India I’d guess coco would be cheap. I add a touch of lime as well.

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You put the lime in the coconut :coconut: makes it all better
Like the song

Welcome @Naku and good luck I’ll tag along for the show

Mixing your own soil can be fun

If done right it will be amazing


@ [Zanzibar
I put in Diatomacious Earth for the lime

Mix of Coco peat and local soil 40/60
Vermi compost also
seed of auto in above mixture 7days already happened no sign of germination till now



Yes I add 60-70ml of water once a day

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Howdy Naku!

Exciting stuff, your first grow. What genetics are you running? As for the soil, that looks way too dry to be holding a little seed. You want to keep the top soil nice and moist for the first week. I only lightly water and check on it periodically to lightly water again.

Once that baby pops up, cut a soda plastic bottle in half, poke some holes on top, and cover the seedling with it to keep humidity nice and high.

I don’t know jack about organic growing, so I’ll be learning right there with you. Never made my own compost, would you be able to tell me how you prepared yours? Best of luck amigo.

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I prepare local soil mix with cow dung and coco peat 60/40 will add vermi compost which I buy from nursery later

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3days ago I planted

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One seed I’m doing with using paper towel method tommorow is a day for other



Today morning while shifting I put my pot down but I think I didn’t harm tap root after that I just fill the pot same

I break down pot shifting but plant was alright untill yesterday it started turning yellow.

Plant fell down while shifting I restored but now see why drying?

Could you be overwatering?