First experience 2023 hydro

Looking very good!!

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Thank you by your following @Sense
And thank you @Kasper0909 for ask about my plants and by your compliment.
Much work soon


@HollySun91 any updates boss

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one moment!
im busy but I ll update with first beans of overgrow germinated @Sense

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Of course boss don’t let me rush you :slight_smile:

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Hello ladies and gentlemans. And @Sense fast update.
A hurry week.

Blue Cups- FAM @ReikoX
Black Cups-Amg Sour @darkillusion

Fast update MAC.

I ll buy a hqi about 400w
To not burn my plants.
1000w are heat


Looking good boss, can’t wait to see the AMG grown out with you :crossed_fingers:

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Hi there og.
My life are hurry.
Without time to make acc.
Here it goes.
Theres my female garden!!!
CerebralMeds (Wifi 43 x Dosidos) x Moonbow 112 IX (Photo Fem)
NYCeeds BruiZed Wine: Sin City’s Blue Zu (Purple Yuzu x Blue Power) x SpritZer (Runtz x (Grape Pie x MAC)) (Photo Fem)

I done a top cut at all tops of Sin City Blue Zu


Nice @HollySun91 some great choices too! That @CerebralMeds cross sounds epic! Those archive moms are literally all stellar! And all combined…. Epic potential

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@Gonzo and @CerebralMeds
Heres my journal

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Wasup @TopShelfTrees1
I had the same opnion.
High expectative.
That was win on a epic giveaway made it by @CerebralMeds
Thanks by share this information.
i agree and tryin to keep my mind on organic fertilizers to make the tasty more pure!
Did you recommend some fertilizer of GH or BioBizz?

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Happy to see all those plants! #gangsta :metal:

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I am super excited to see how these turn out for you. A point of clarification—the Moonbow crosses were regulars, so keep an eye out for males (if you don’t want one). They look great so far. I call that one “Big Numbers”—and I’m expecting something special from those!

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Hi there OG!!!
A fast acc !!!
Plants reaponding good to top cut


Very healthy looking! Looks great :+1:

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Good to go​:hocho::hocho:?