First fem reversal

I was wondering where the instructions were? Looks more like a CS solution. Does it give you an application schedule?


I mix small batches so:

In 100ml of distilled water
One bottle 1.6g Sodium Thiosulfate Pentahydrate
Other bottle 1.7g Silver Nitrate

Combine at 4:1 STP:SN in 3rd light proof bottle and apply. I’ve been told I need to thin it again into like another 500ml but only showed negative effect when I treated in even, indirect light.


Well, that was not successful in reversing liberty haze . I will make my own and try again. However, the plants are doing well and look healthy. Here’s a couple pictures. We’re in about week four of flower.

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I have only used colliodal silver that I have made myself. It seems to be very strong because it can sometimes kill a plant. ( but not very often) . I really think it is important to spray at lights out. The spray seems to affect how the floragen hormone reacts. We know that it takes 2 hours for the phyto chrome and floragen to reach the critical level after lights out. I dont remember if you said when you were spraying but I feel that this timing is a key element. :face_with_monocle:

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I was spraying about an hour before lights out. Also, the spray was old, so maybe it was in effective due to not using it in time. I know it sat out in a storage unit for one summer so that could kill anything in there. Perhaps I’m not really sure how that works.

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Yea, colliodal silver needs to be stored in a cool dark place and It does lose strength after 1 year.

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