Mama's first time growing Master Kush

High there!

I want to know what you know! I currently received Master Kush seeds that I plan to grow outside. I just received from Foxfarm potting soil and hope to plant three in a large pot together. I live in Orange County, CA and my backyard currently has no ground lol so… Pots are my life! I am reading Marijuana Horticulture by Jorge Cervantes. I am grateful for any advice and cant wait to explore!



Welcome to OG! Might want to head over to the introduction thread and introduce yourself there as well. :beers:


Growing outdoor in pots, not a problem! Good news is… these weeds want to grow. It’s hard to stop them once they start.
Just don’t overwater. That’s the advice I didn’t take seriously enough when I started.

It’s gonna be great!
Ask questions if things start to go wrong. Lots of smart helpful folks here will be happy to help.



Welcome @dgalloway89, you have found a great community, welcome! :smiley::+1:


You have found what I would consider to be the BEST, FRIENDLIEST and MOST GENEROUS group of growers on the entire friggin’ planet!

You’ll find that every question you could be possibly have has an answer here.

Welcome to heaven on the internet!


Welcome to OG. :wave:


Well you’re off to a good start already, reading Jorge and joining here.
How big are the pots you plan to grow in?
I would advise they each get their own pots, unless you were doing a raised bed. These plants like lots of root space, especially outdoors. If they’re planted to close together, they will fight for root space and you may find one could dominate and the others could suffer and be much smaller.


Welcome to OG @dgalloway89 , happy you decided to join us. Any and all information you could possibly need is there. Many great growers all willing to share what they know. Stick around, have some fun and don’t be shy. You have found the place you needed.


Welcome to OG sister. Outdoor pots are fun. Just put my blue cookies outdoor last week. Always grow at least one outdoors cuz I can. I’m south of you.

Edit: that’s dogo, guard dog and leaf nipper


@Meesh , meet your new neighbor & apprentice? :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:




Looks like a grand start :+1:


Welcome to the Overgrow @dgalloway89! It’s a fun place to hang out. Lots of different ages and we have a good handful of female growers, too. We always need more.

Feel free to ask anything no matter how simple. We’re all still learning, right. But, pot growers love to talk, ha, so never feel intimidated. We’re all just goofy friends like anywhere. But, we love our hobby, and you’ll find that there are many directions within the hobby that you can take.

It’s way better than growing roses! Best vibes on the start and never feel afraid to fail, it’s a part of it, forever. It’s nature. We can always get more seeds to grow if you need them. Everybody is sitting on some seeds that would be great to practice with if needed.

The best advice is just don’t ever try and rush things. It’s the one thing that is set in stone. But, it is a really great hobby that will teach you so much, about people, life, science, medicine, everything! (it just so happens that I’m smoking now, and I’m stoned…who could have guessed)

Enjoy! Lots of cool people to meet so have fun. We do. peace


Hey @dgalloway89 welcome to OG! I think your going to fit right in. Sounds like you got a plan now let’s get you to harvest!
I would recommend one plant per pot, unless your growing autos then you might be able to get away with putting a few in a large pot. I have 5 autos growing in a 6x6 space on my outdoor thread. Might wanna check it out. I would go with 5 to 15 gallon pots. I’ve seen a lot of people grow one pound plants in five gallon buckets


welcome to OG @dgalloway89 , excellent first post! will be watching.


Good luck! Indica is not the best choice in our SoCal climate. They will likely get bud rot from the humidity. May want to try a Sativa dom strain first, so you are not disappointed


What strains have you had the most success with Meesh? I’m in the same region. I’ve mostly done sativa dominant plants up til now, but have a few of the indica and indica leaning variety as well this year to see how they go.


Welcome to OG @dgalloway89 lots of awesome folks around here & listen to @Meesh


Skunks were great! Diesels were great. Actually all my sativa and sativa dom hybrids mostly did well. I had to harvest every Indica and leaning prematurely from bud rot. The humidity and heat does them in. It’s even worse cuz the caterpillars will dig into them first if you don’t BT spray constantly. Once the pillars get in the bud rot really finishes them off. Indicas are rough outdoors! Those super dense buds can’t take the natural moisture. I am about a mile from the ocean.

Last year we had tropical storms and hurricanes in Mexico that drove up the humidity to 79% for 7 straight weeks at the height of bud. Even the sativas were doomed. Only the good ole Uncle Fester’s Skunk #18 held up to that completely.


I’ll have to be on the lookout for that Uncle Festers Skunk for next season then! Thanks for the tips


Pests and Mold are what you will need to learn about. Good luck. I’m sure someone will be on here to help when you need it.