First Grow in Fuerteventura

Hola a todos, going to share a few pics of my first indoor grow here in Fuerteventura… Here there are my 12 plants, 6 og and 6 unidentified kush… Bahahahahah since it was my first attempt with this kind of hot weather I didn’t want to throw away some good seeds or clones… Used Plagron products and found it good… By the way, here are the pics, enjoy and let me know what you think! Cheers everybody and greetings from the Canary Islands…


That’s proper introduction. Nice show you have going on there. Cheers!


Thanks Sir, appreciate… But I hope to make it better, already bought some new cool toys…


Bienvenido @diavolo, ojala te guste tanto para quedarte!

Welcome diabolo, i wish you like it enough to stay!

Saludos desde Costa Rica!


Lookin good dude. What size tents you using?


awesome grow! how long did you veg for? they sure filled up the space nicely!

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It’s a DarkBox 120x120x200, I have to say that it’s pretty well done, you can load tons of plant and still be able to reach every corner from different zips…

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I’ve gone a bit too far with the veg, like 4 weeks, something less… I was hoping to get them a bit shorter… I have to admit it was my first time with the SmartPot too… Used the 3gal and really seen some difference with roots development!

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Hola from tenerife :wink:
Nice plants…
Welcome to OG Diavolo