I'm back to growing after 11 years hiatus - grow log inside

I’m back to europe after too many years in equatorial African countries…
OG is back online and my new growroom is up and running


Welcome! Didint ya growed in África? In what ecuatorial Nations ya lived?

I second MIGs question. Were you growing any crazy African sativa’s?

Welcome back to the garden… The plants miss you!

Looking forward to seeing your grow! Welcome!

ive been in a few different countries, none easy or calm or nice… I didn’t grow for a few reasons… security mostly…
I did smoke and collected a few seeds in each country… they are in a crate with 200 kg of other mine things that I hope to ever get back…


Welcome back to Overgrow…

I too are interested in if you were able to get some magical african beans. Also some insight into which african landraces you liked most while over there. I’m really interested in landrace seeds right now especially the african ones. I hear they tend to have more THCV than most other landraces.

Small update :
In the nursery : 2 ThSeeds MOB, 1 black Domina Sensi, 1 ThSeeds BG. ( 5 MOB and 2 BG were put to germinate)
Germinating : 5 Humboldt Chocolate Mint, 6 Humboldt Amherst sour Diesel and 3 ghs super lemon Haze Cbd.


Some pH problem halted growth on the 4 bigger babies for 2 days… all ok now; 12 /14 seeds sprouted, the better 8 will get to flowering.
The only BG is a half runt… One of the mob looks like it could develop in a nice plant… we’ll see…


Bagseed Black Domina


Sorry to hear about the setback. Hopefully everything will be smooth sailing from here.

“Inertes or not live” artificial soils are so sensibles to pH levels. Natural soil is like a natural filter against pH variations…

Small update​
MOBs, BG and black Domina moved to buckets; Asd, Slh and Cm got moved in big rw cubes in the " common bubbler"



All babies got a pot, light swiched to 600 w from 400 and to 18/6 from 24/0
List now is :
2 Mob
1 BG
1 black Domina
1 super Lemon haze
3 chocolate mint og
2 amehrst sour Diesel


Some close up of the ladies…
First, the oldest 4 :


Black Domina bagseed




Then the youngest ones (5 days less):
Ahmerst sour Diesel 1 / 2

Chocolate Mint OG 1/2/3

Super Lemon haze CBD



Everything is looking good!

I just noticed I never gave any clue of the system…
120240200 growbox internally divided in 2 120*120 rooms by a plywood wall covered with 95% reflecting silver. One side is the “working” space, with clones/seedlings area and moms area , the other room gets a lumatek 600 dig. ballast, cooltube with adjust-a-wing reflector, dwc system with 4 hydropots and 6 diy hydro pots :smiley:
Air exhausted by a pk 150 through cooltube to a carbon filter( external to the box )
Whole box :

Seedlings/Mom’s room:

Flowering room:


Cant ya grow outdoor? No balcóny or “terraza”?
Btw, have ya been in your " wonderfull African Spanish Island" durin Carnaval?l. I suppouse yare swimin in the beach all year… O maybe in the sand seein “guanchecitas”, je… Are ya in the Easter desértic Islands or in the Western Subtropical rain forest Islands?Or maybe in the middle islands?

Estamos en T…
Outside we can’t grow… It’s the first thing the house owner told me when we rented the house…
We are here since September 2016 but carnival days I was in Italy for some matter so I missed all what was going on here

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