First Grow Journal - Always needing Advice

Hello to anyone reading,

I’m looking for some advice on my seedlings and my grow room. I’m a beginner grower, a couple grows behind me when I’ve ignored everything chucked them in and let them grow… well we know how that went…

This time I’ve got the space and opportunity to try and take things more serious and try to produce something “half” decent… Wishful thinking.

I’ve dedicated my spare room for this grow and not worried about smells or neighbours etc as were I am that’s not an issue. I do how some carbon filters from a previous grow I can use if my wife starts complaining though.

Here’s my grow room:

So… I’ve got two 3x3ish spaces & one 5x5 space (could probably have more spots but I feel like ive over done it for a beginner as it is. (I do have more lights)

2x 480W Leds in the 3x3s spots
1x 800W Led in the 5x5
1x dehumid as this countries humidity is crazy.
1x 12000btu Aircon on the wall
Don’t forget my cheap a** pvc pipe frame work haha!

I’m trying to find a spot to buy co2 as I don’t really want to be running and exhaust or intake (is this a big mistake?)

Now on to my seedlings, i’ve popped a few packs (clearwater & lit farms)

I had some issues with overwatering etc as a new grower you know how it goes. I feel like i’ve controlled myself a bit better with watering and seen some small grow.

These plants are about 2 weeks old from seed, I guess they should be bigger but I did have the overwatering problem and tried them jiffy pellets lets just say… It wasnt good for me

as you can see pretty small and im starting to run into my 2nd issue (first over watering) now i’ve got a few plants were the leaf is starting to turn. Does anyone have a theory on what would be causing this issue? or am I overthinking.

All plants will end life in 3 gallon Coco pots run with athena pro line.

Any tips or advice would be highly appreciated and thanks for getting this far.



Your doing good, I use Foxfarm happy frog
Can’t go wrong with that soil.
Just make sure you have good drainage
Make sure your water is ph adjusted
With FF There little need to veg until flower
FF Open sesame, cha ching and Beastie bloomz
That’s what I do, soil is most forgiving and
Best for most new folks.
Good luck
Don’t over think it, give good light
Good dirt
Ph correct water
Feed when it’s time.
You knock it out of the park


Thanks, were I am in the world we don’t have. I wouldn’t mind looking into some no till stuff in the future but for now ive decided to go with a 70/30 coco. At the moment ive got some in peat moss due to shipping issues of the coco. Parcel got lost. The will move into the coco soon enough though just waiting for them to established a half decent root set. Here are the strains im running

Not sure how got the photo is but its:
Flava flav - LIT
Sticky ricky - LIT
Pink Lemonade - LIT
Apple tartz x Gary Satan - Clearwater
Ooozecake x Black Velvet - Clearwater

Not 100% sure how many ill run but just popped all and going look for some strong plants and probably chuck the rest in the empty room next door to carry on in veg.

Do you think I have an issue with them leaves curling up by the way?

Appreciate the reply.


Always wanted to try it(coco) but can’t leave my soil safety net lol.
Pulling up a chair though.
Good growing man.

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I would recommend you make sure you’re not over watering still. Make sure humidity isn’t too low. Not sure what else could be causing it, hope that helps.

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Thank you, I haven’t touched them with water for days and still letting them go without another dose cause now they’re plastic cups I can see.

Humidity is between 60-80 at all times atm, we’re in rain season hard to not be in that range haha

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I took another look. You said you’re using Athena. Are you feeding? How much?

Yes using athena, I done a feed at 0.5 EC

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Do you check your runoff? Could be a touch high

ill be honest I didn’t, I will 1000% next water though but I can see the cups are taking a long time to dry out (cause the bigger plants are in peat moss) don’t want to rush them into the 2/3 gals though

That cupping may come from light/heat stress, plant reducing surface exposed to preserve humidity, maybe your lamps are too intense or too close? BTW, welcome … beer3|nullxnull


Thanks, I’ve increased the light height and will see what happens. Will keep you updated. :handshake:


Welcome to OG @Tinglish :wave:

Man, those pellets sure seem to hold water like it’s their business. I tried using the “Wonder Soil” brand pellets and those did not drain hardly at all. It wound up swamping my plants and I lost a tray of clones to damping off and other issues from overwatering.

Since then I switched to using “Root Riot” peat plugs and those are working so much better. There are a few brands of peat plugs for seed starting, hopefully some are available to your area.

Best of luck growing! I’m excited to see how things go!

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Thank you @emeraldbullfrog

Yes I had 0 luck with them pellets wouldn’t use again…
I will look into the root riot and other methods for the future.


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Little update, load more beans popped. Moved some over to fabric pots with coco.

With some light feeds. I can tell already a few ill be getting rid :slight_smile:

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Hello to anyone reading. This is an update to my plants in veg.

I’m looking for some advice:

  1. What are the issues im facing with a couple of my plants please refer to the pictures
  2. What would you do that im not doing atm in terms of training etc


Have a blessed day



Here is an update on the original girls we planted

and recently bought a load of clones which had a rough time in transit waiting for them to grow before flipping to 12/12


We are 7 days into flower now.


I topped only one side (big regrets) but im just experimenting. I wanted to veg longer with the clones etc but just didnt have the time as im heading back to my home country for a couple weeks in a few months so wanted to play it safe :slight_smile:

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Just read through. Looks like you sorted things out. Plants look healthy now from what I can see. I see you bought clones, so maybe you won’t even mess with seeds again, but if you do just float them in water until they shoot a tail out and then directly into some coco. Looks like you’re learning how you’ll want to train plants in the future from this run. You can always do a staggered harvest if you’d like for those lower parts. Chop the tops that are getting good light when they’re ripe and then drop the light some and let the lowers ripen up more. Best of luck with the plants!!

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