Tent flip and current setup

Hello everyone,

Wanted to make an intro post showing what I’m working on currently.

For background, there was a solo cup challenge on Reddit earlier this year where I competed and took 3rd place:

I started some seeds from the winnings in August:

And here they are today:

But to back this story up a day or two, this is how they looked in my AC infinity flower tent yesterday:

Pineapple Express (8 weeks :hibiscus:) is in the top left corner and Coral Kush (6 weeks :hibiscus:) is bottom right. The 4 in the middle are white widow (8 weeks :hibiscus:) plants cloned off of one of my backup solo cups from that original contest.

Now to complicate my setup, I also took clones off of these girls prior to flipping them into flower, and this is how my veg tent looked Saturday morning:

So what do? Well, the widow is a typical 8-9 week plant that I prefer cloudy trichs on so harvest day for those 4!

And the veg tent was getting out of hand and I felt needed to be flipped. So all the clones swapped places with the momma’s giving them more room and better light to try and make a very full scrog tent:

The cat thinks I need to deleaf more, but it’s a start…

And now the momma’s are doing well in the Mars Hydro tent to finish up in 3-4 weeks time.
Here are some Pineapple Express:

And here are some Coral Kush (you may recognize the breeder!):

Feedback welcome, Happy Growing!


Your Pineapple Express has a good looking fade on her.


Thank you!

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Any tips for a solo cup grow like that? I’m doing one myself while I wait for my main girl to finish up


The cat is on to something, I’d defoliate up higher… I go to the trellis. Eliminate most larf and put the energy to the top.

Very nice buds!


Thanks! And yes, I agree with deleafing a bit more. Will clean them up bit by bit over the coming week.


Thank you! And yes, I have recently been featured on a blog for the fertilizer product that I used. I’m not sure if I can post a link to that as it may be seen as advertising. But if you search “Reefertilizer” and the article “Cultivating Success in Solo Cup Challenges with Reefertilizer” you will come across the tips I shared! 🫶🏻


Nice grow, buds look great, love the fade on the Pineapple Express. Pushin it in the veg tent, gonna overflow but looking healthy.


Lovely Grow, @FalcoBlack, :fireworks: :fireworks: :fireworks: WELCOME TO OG!!! :fireworks: :fireworks: :fireworks: Outstanding plants, I think you will be a valuable asset to this EXCELLENT Forum. I wish you continued success, do take care, stay safe, and be well…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Love the plants mate they are looking astounding! I’ve always wanted to do a solo cup challenge but never had the extra time


Nice work !


Nice grows for sure! :+1:t2:


Beauty grow @FalcoBlack glad to hear about the nutes. I just ordered their bloom to take over in flower after I used MC to get em through veg.
Any tips?
Congrats on the solo cup challenge and welcome to OG :seedling:
Edit: read the article. It was going really good till I saw the lighter :joy: Go Habs Go Jk. Nice write up


Looking :eyes: good growmie, keep it going. Please show us more solo cup grows! :partying_face::star_struck::wink::upside_down_face::+1::clap::facepunch::sunglasses::turkey::v:


I might be able to accomodate that!

These 3 were excess clones that I took of the Pineapple Express. Originally I was going to give them away to friends but no takers. So when I flipped the moms into the veg tent and adjusted the light cycle, I popped these 3 in with them.

Consider it training in the off-season, to defend my title!

I don’t know if “Reigning, defending… 3rd place champion” has the right ring to it, but it’s fun to say! :joy:


:joy: I swear it was all they had left at the dollar store!

Reefertilizer is really easy to use I find. I generally follow the package directions. Only had to supplement a couple of really hungry plants so far, most take it well!

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Ya, I couldn’t find much on the reefer and took a gamble. Looks like I made the right choice.
Oh a quick pic for ya…
So ever morning I can wake up and piss on em. :wink:
messyhome 009
Good luck growchacho :seedling:


No, no, I’m gonna OverGrow:sunglasses:


Nice plants mate :ok_hand:


Good morning everyone,

Here’s a quick update on the tent.

I made a “roast my grow” post on Reddit and everyone is hung up on how tall the plants are here, they warn me that I’ll hit the lights! :roll_eyes:

But that’s a tricky perspective… :sunglasses: I actually have lots of room for stretch!

The clones are coming up on 2 weeks into flower light cycle this weekend, just beginning to show signs.

Happy Growing,