First grow using coco and time release ammendments

Attempting a grow in coco with Gaia Green time release ammendments. Growing under a Marshydro TS1000.

I used 75% all purpose Gaia Green and 25% bloom Gaia Green. Added in some perlite.

Growing 2 blueberry autos from Canuk Seeds and one Elixer CBD auto from Canuk Seeds in 2 gallon fabric pots.

Attempting to germinate seeds directly in the medium as opposed to paper towel.

Been following a grow from Mr. Canucks Grow on YouTube. Pretty much following his procedure step by step, aside from a different light.

Any suggestions, or tips and tricks for growing this way? I’m excited to see the results.


Gaia Green and coco… interesting… :thinking:

You have peaked my curiosity… :+1: I want to follow this for sure!



Gpaw, this is where I got the idea:


I’ve seen his videos also and wanted to try it. Always hear people bash on the idea but I don’t see why it wouldn’t work.

Pulling up a chair for the show!


People bash the idea? Whats the reasoning behind their bashing?


In general when growers think of coco they think of synthetic nutes and high frequency watering. Organic amendments and less frequent watering are usually a soil thing. 99% of grows are like this, and people are not always open to new ideas.

It’s not a popular technique, I think because Gaia Green is only available in Canada. Seems to be mostly newer growers inspired by Mr Canuk using it. I’ve seen a few successful journals on other sites.

I say go for it, experimenting is half the fun in this hobby. Not a bad idea to have a plan B in mind though.


Exactly what he said. I did a tomato plant one year in a Walmart bag. I used Down to earth amendments and a coco based soil. It worked fine just dried out everyday in 100 degree weather. I think it will work and prove to be pretty easy!


Kind of hard to see, but, we got 3/3 germination!

Keep it up little ladies!


Update for people who were interested. About 4 weeks in we arw doing good! Started slow but now have some decent growth. Showing signs of starting to flower. Plants are very short and bushy, my fault for having light too close and not allowing stretch