Amateur Hour G13 Blue OG run

Hi everyone, just started growing over the summer in a not so legal state so I wanted to share with some folks. I’ve probably gotten myself in too deep and please don’t mind the current orgy of other plants.

I acquired a handful of claimed G13 Blue OG seeds, along with supposed NL #4 and #5 (not pictured or even growing), and have ZERO idea on the authenticity. I decided starting 8 of the OG’s was the best way to move forward. Still have no idea on what they are or what I’m doing. Here are some pics so by all means, school me on whatever you wish. Hopefully someone can give me some hope as to them being true to their name. All have shown they’re females roughly 4-5 weeks into veg.


Heck, take a bow…those are some nice looking plants!!! Keep doing what you’re doing, you’ll be fine. Stay safe/be well.


Good looking plants for sure! Keep up the good work!


Great work. Looks like you are a natural. Keep it up.


Hi @yeetwoodmac looks like you have it well under control. :+1: :sunglasses:

Is this going to be a grow log? I’d suggest you do one as it will push you to “up your game” & you will have no shortage of great input too.



It certainly could be. I need to look into what all is required. I’ve always wanted to do a full log but I figured this run was already too far in. The info and interaction here is so refreshing. Thanks for the warm welcome!

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Much appreciated. Nothing special here, just trying to stay consistent.

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It actually works better that way for the first log.
That way you can select photos and refer to your notes etc. and you have a few weeks of ‘material’ to work with so you can focus on the content and conversations without worrying (so much) about what might happen tomorrow…


Well shoot, count me in then. I’ll have to start taking more pictures.


Noticed some a late flowering female hidden in your tent… Let’s have a look at her?

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Certainly. Just a bunch of random auto’s I’m teaching myself to grow with.


Autos are a good way to start
The plants look healthy and happy

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Looking great! I did the same thing. Pretty weird right? Autoflowering buds! Look forward to seeing the rest do the same!


Seems to be the best route in.

I trimmed a few broad leaves from the larger Blue OG’s I’m keeping and will top before the flip. This is my first full veg run under the 4000K light and it has done a wonderful job keeping the plants low and stout. The last plant is Smoothie Auto from FastBuds. This is my 3rd attempt at growing this strain and still can’t get the nitrogen correct, but I shall press onward.