4th Grow in a Row!

Hello ya all.The title said It all!
For this run I mixed Biobizz lightmix with perlite and 2 fists of humus.Added 12 grams of micos for 12 liter of airpot.

2 x 2 tent
12 liter Airpots X2
Water:tap and distilled mixed.
Ferts and feeding:Stimulants from Biobizz and Knf Fpj for vegetative stage,FFJ for flowering stage.
Planted along with 2 seeds some clover seeds.
Light:led lumatek 200w
Seeds:Royal Queen Green gelato automatic

Step:Planted the seed After the Paper towel method made Them sprout.
Watered about 3 liters each with only Root juice,activera and bioheaven from Biobizz by using half dosage of the upper chart:

The light Is on because I Need some warm temperature.
Now waiting :sweat_smile:

I Will tag @corey and @GanjaMa that wanted to see the starting of this grow


Throw a small heater in there and you won’t have to wait so long for it to warm up :wink:


I thrown a Little dehumifie,closed the vents except for online fan and shut off the exhaust fan and got stable 22-23 Celsius with humidity levels of 60-55%.I think it’s a good range
Thank you @Shadey :heart:


Sounds perfect :+1:


Looks like I’m going to grab a chair and watch this as well…happy growing


@DrGonzo13 Happy growing to you too Friend❤️

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So far One of the two seeds has germinated but died putting the roots.So I had to plant directly in soil this time,skipping the paper towel.The other girl Is going to Say hello to the light.
I rised the light at 50 centimeters and dimmed at 40%=80 watt.


Little update:

Day 4 and 2,officially week 1.
Gonna feed those clovers and mold tonight with some water and very very light Feeding with fishmix from Biobizz.I would also add 1 ml of organic molasses


I gave too much love or water to the Little girl on the left and She Is growing but very small leaves with yellowing(overwatered soil)
On the right the girl 2 days younger Is doing Better.
I did something Crazy and tried to sprout my First photo plant.It Is a Critical from royal Queen.I think of the Little on the right doesn’t catch up,I Will put this entire seedling pot inside that One.

I am also worried for the bigger One because It shows some White Little Tony dots or spots.


I would say they are both over watered. One of the problems with big pots and small plants its very easy to over water them. I have 4 seedlings atm all a week old and I just give them 3 squirts with a misting bottle each in the morning. They will bounce back, just dont add any water for a bit.


I am waiting for the pots to Dry out.I checked the underneat of the airpots and the soil Is still wet.I put the fan lower and pointed trhough the holes to help dry out.The One on the right though Is doing fine because I used less water.First time using Airpots I thought It was Better to keep them soaked and did a mistake.
The photoperiodic Is sprouting and I Plan to keep It there but in smaller pots so It can fit in the tent.Later we Will see what to do since I have not Lightproofed my tent and It Is in my room,so It gets artificial light from my fixture in the evening…
Thank you @Shadey :heart:


Sit the pots on old bath towels it will wick the moisture out the soil quicker :+1:


I tossed the girl on the left,She was not growing roots.
Decided to dismantle big pot to put 2x2 GAL fabric pot for the Critical and my last Gelato automatic that Is sprouting directly into.
Fed 1/4 nutes + mychorrizaes ti the big girl.
Fed Just root stimulant and enzymes activators to Critical

Green gelato on the right:day 14
Photoperiodic Critical:day 06

