First Indoor... germination doubt

Hello everyone, i’m starting my first grow and i really hope not to make any big mistakes with it.

One of the problems i’m facing is choosing the best way to germinate my seeds.
I’ve been researching a lot about peat pallets because it was included in the grow kit i purchased. But i find it’s quiet a controversial topic this one. I’ve heard about people who were sucefull but also others talking about rootbound and similar problems.
Also how can i control my temperature without a heat mat and a bulb?
Room temperature is around 24C but the pellet will be a lot more colder right, due to the water.


Different ways to germinate here : How do I germinate marijuana seeds? | Grow Weed Easy

I personally leave my seeds soaking in RO water for 24hrs, then switch to paper towel method. I’ve yet to lose a single seed, but losing a plant is a different story lol

That site will also give you other idea’s on where to keep the seeds when germinating if you are concerned about temps. Best of luck on dropping your first seed!


Depends on what medium you plan on using. Personally I stick them directly into whatever medium I’m going to use and let them do their thing unless im starting a lot of seeds in one go then I use small rock wool blocks soaked in PhD water. I’ve seen it too many times people cracking seeds in a tissue for them to snap the root while transplanting them into pots.


I did the paper towel germination countless times for over 25 y never had an issue, I now have been just putting them into PhD rockwool cubes , in 3-5 days they sprout, if your beans are good they will pop. I put em in a tray right underneath the grow light ,usually under the same light I will be using to veg them, I run the light on a 18-6 light schedule and booya bean sprouts lol


If you soak the paper towel too much and it stays saturated too long the seed becomes mushy and the tap root just stays stuck to the paper lol

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Sorry, but I didn’t ask are you growing hydro? Or dirt? I’m assuming hydro but …

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You are over thinking it. 24c is all good. Room temp is just fine for popping seeds.

Keep. It. Stupid. Simple. my friend. KISS method is best for beginners. Directly into the medium I say.


Have you looked through the Seed germination techniques section of the GrowFaq’s here?


Not rocket science, like Pfire said, room temp is just fine. I agree with him, directly into medium for just starting.
Soak your seeds in just plain water in a cup for 18 hours…then into your medium of choice.



I have never bought into the paper towel method and have around 95 percent success rate sowing straight into medium of choice whether it be soil, coco peat, coco puck or rock wool.
Just make sure the medium is moist not wet.

24 degrees is great for germination and you should have green leaves in around 4 days.

You will be fine, keep smiling.


I am gonna be 70 soon…ugh…I have NEVER placed seeds in paper towels, I just do not get it either. I see it works, but for a newb, do not see that as an easy way to learn…

I HAVE been WRONG before…:grin:


This is the truth. Sow directly and you’ll get 95%+ germination rates. I presoak beans in plain tap water 24 hours first to speed up the process a tad, but you don’t specifically need to.

There’s 1000 ways to skin a cat. But, in 99% of cases, direct sowing is probably the best way.


Thank you all for the answers :smiley:

I guess i was reallty overthinking it, i just dont want anything to go wrong. I will grow them in soil and i decided to go with the pellets.

I’ve just placed them and now going to play the waiting game… let’s see how they will turn out