First Indoor Grow 4x4 3xlowdak 3x northern lights x Orange grove

This is right at the spot where my plants are should it be higher ?

Monitor your seedlings and you will see if they stretch (elongate) unnaturally
 That would mean that they aren’t getting enough light and you can increase intensity.

But I’d say you can bump it up to 1.5-3k safely

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That’s a happy look sprout! Now don’t check on it for another week, lol. Seriously though, try not to intervene too much. No nutes or anything yet, just a baby. If you watered it good that sprout won’t need much of anything for a while.


Ah shit!!! Haha I put some big bloom and king crab in already

Half the recommended dose of big bloom @schmarmpit

That’s fine. Big bloom is just castings. Follow the fox farm schedule using 1\2 strength like you did and you’ll do great.

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Less is more, you can always add more, but you can’t take nutrients out of the soil when you add too much.


I’d invest in a cheap t5 for seedlings-

Good luck with your grow


Today is a good day
 all 6 plants are up from the coco and going well


Are these dropping plants normal?


Hey bud. Those little parts of the plant are called cotyledons and it’s normal for them to droop like that as the plant grows larger. Imo you could stand to either get some floros to aid in germination, or drop your light a little. Even if you just keep doing what you’re doing now, they’ll still grow, but might be a little leggy from initially reaching for light. No stress! You’re doing well so far, and I echo earlier advice to just stick to the FF feeding schedule at diluted strength for a bit, and let the plants tell you what they need.


They look completely normal. The hardest part at this stage is just leaving them alone. Make sure not to water them again until the very top of the soil is obviously dry, maybe a couple of days.


So it’s been a little while without an update and I have some upsetting news to some who wanted to see my first grow , trust me you still will and it will be even better however me and my girlfriend broke up and we were living together . Short end of the story is I ended up having to just get up and go without my grow setup :sob: now I’m in Texas and with family and saving up for a new grow. I paid for all of my last one yet still managed to not get it when I left ( crazy ex) so stay tuned and in about a month or so I’ll have all my stuff and I’ll be in a 5x5 . I DID MANAGE TO TAKE SOME SEEDS haha I got all my freebie seeds and the pack of sour d x lemon skunk . I will be getting some cuttings of gorilla glue from a friend in New York so stay tuned!


Take care of yourself man, I’ve been there. Don’t dwell on it, forgive both her and yourself and don’t look back. Sometimes shit don’t work out, no point in staying when you’re not on the same frequency anymore. There’s a better match for you out there. Stay alone for a while, get your zen on.
Love yourself first and foremost.


Sorry to hear you’re going through all of that man. The past year has put a lot of pressure on people, so be kind to yourself. The only thing that can heal a broken heart is time. Once you’re back on your feet I look forward to seeing your grow. If you lose seeds and need more let me know.


Ouch, that’s an bummer. Keep collecting seeds and equipment and you be up and running in no time.


Damn! Sorry to hear it. Good luck moving forward with everything! OG will be here for you when you’re ready.


That is definitely brutal! Keep ur head up, one door closes and another opens. We will b on the lookout hopefully in the near future.


Relationships can be brutal bud but hey, your still healthy. Seeds, lights, all that stuff can be replaced. Hopefully things are better for you going forward, best of luck. I am sending you some seeds :slight_smile: