First Indoor Grow 4x4 3xlowdak 3x northern lights x Orange grove

Before I get my first grow started I wanted to give a quick thanks to @lefthandseeds for the lowdak and thanks to @schmarmpit for sending me the lowdak. Another thanks to @JustSumTomatoes for sending me the northern lights x orange kush . Right now I have 3 of each germinating in shot glasses

I am growing in a 4x4 Vivosun grow tent with a hlg 550 v2 refurbished lamp and a 4 inch inline fan and 4 inch carbon filter


Good luck bud, gonna sit down over here under this tree and watch the show.


I’m always excited for first grows. You can’t really have a much better start; great genetics, great equipment, and a forum full of knowledgeable and friendly peeps to keep you on the path to victory.

What will you be growing them in?

Do you have anything in the tent to monitor temp and humidity?


Only problem I see coming upon is that I’m in the garage and temp will be up and down same with humidity


I will start with red solo cups and transplant to 2 gal fabric pots


I have yet to get nutrients and soil will be going today or Friday to get everything else I need

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Sounds like you’re set. You’ll just have to watch and see how everything goes down there.

These environmental controllers can help take all the guess work out.


awesome ! I appreciate the help

Following this thread! I got some Orange Grove from mr.tomatoes on the newbie thread as well - I will be popping mine in about a month once I gather the rest of my supplies (only missing my medium - can’t decide if I want to keep it simple with soil or go with coco. The amount of info is overwhelming).

Also my first grow - in a 4x4x6 tent with LEDs in a basement room. Similarly, I am in a very dry climate - my humidity is in the 20s. I have a humidifier on the way though. It’s been pretty cold down there lately, never thought in a million years I may actually have to find a way to heat the grow tent up.

We can be newbie buds! Looking forward to seeing the harvest :slight_smile:


I agree the amount of info is very overwhelming I’m actually going to ask the grow shop here in Tulsa Oklahoma the best method for my soil and nutes I’ve been slowing gathering supplies from paycheck to paycheck and reading every day on this website I hope all goes well for you and let’s see what we get !!!


It certainly is overwhelming. And the dude at the grow store is going to want to sell you a big line of nutrients most likely, so you keep coming back for more. And that works too.

Here’s how I do it, just too give you another perspective. I run water only. I start by mixing a bag of Fox Farms Ocean Forest and Fox Farms Happy Frog together. This mix I use for starting seedlings and vegging plants. If you transplant at the right times, you can use water only the whole way. I would go to the red solo cups, then up to maybe 1 gal, then a final 3 gal.

I use another bag of straight Ocean Forrest for established vegging plants and final soil mix for flowering plants. You might need at least a 3 gal container for the water only to work, otherwise you’ll probably have to add some nutes at some point.

In the past year or more I have been recycling my soil by adding dry amendments after each run. That opens a whole other can of worms, but I love the simplicity of only using water from seed to bud.

There’s a million ways to do it, and these plants can handle most anything you throw at them. Good luck finding what works best for you.


If it helps with your soil decision, I have great success with using Happy Frog for them.


Agree with Schmarmpit, the grow shop dude is just going to sell you stuff you don’t need and make it seem more complicated than it really is.

I’ll simplify it, this is all I use along with pH down when I need it…


This is what it produces…



Oh come on, you don’t use 13 bottles from GH? They have their pro mixing machines back in stock :slight_smile:


Lmao :laughing::laughing::joy::joy: They’re practically running a meth lab for nutrients over there.


Hahaha you guys got me laughing hella haha thank you for this info and I’m definitely gonna use it but what about compost tea and mycroyza or however you spell it for transplants

Use it if you want-

Skip it if you want…

It helps, but not necessary.

Since it’s your first grow, I’d skip it and stay as simple as possible. Just get in tune with your plants-

It takes a while…


Just skip that stuff for now. Transplanting into fresh soil will be the only boost they need.
FYI, the Happy Frog and Ocean Forest have myco already in there.


Update : I went with coco and perlite and started my seeds in it , I also got fox farm trio and king crab. Can someone tell me if my seedling has light burn or is just growing

I just moved my light up to 56 inches because I felt my seedling has light burn and the light was 36 inches from canopy
I feed them 7.5 ml big bloom per gallon
1/2 ml king crab for now in the morning
Then at night regular 6.3 ph water
The light runs 24/7 for now till they all sprout
Also running a humidifier and it stays at 55 to 70 percent humidity
And a heater that keeps tent at 80 till seeds sprout
(Was trippin balls) … will probably do that my whole grow thinkin this wrong and that wrong oops…


Get a light meter app for your phone, it’s better than guessing. 5k lux should be fine for seedlings, inrease slowly to 7.5-10k for early veg.

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