BTG's spring 2023 grow

Going to eventually split this into two posts. One outdoor one indoor. The current plan is to put the White Widow photos outdoors for the summer, and grow the two autos in my tent.

Wish me luck!


Looks like you have this. Good plan for indoor outdoor journal.

100% germination rate. Now they are in dirt. Hopefully I didn’t injure them!


Get ‘em ! Good luck on this one, looking forward to the end results

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Well, all the seeds popped. A couple are still balled up with the cotyledons closed, but looks like 100% germination rate. One did grow root up and I could see that the root grow up, over then back down.


Sigh, one of 5 white widows damped off. Going to start a replacement… hopefully more don’t follow.

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Stop watering, they really don’t need that much moisture to sprout.
That vaporizer is pretty wild too.


I don’t really water at this point. A spritz a day with a sprayer to keep the top of the soil moist. They do dry out though, pretty quick. So far only the one damped off, the rest look okay. They are a little lanky, but I had my lights a little high too.

It is also a new soil for me, made by a local hemp grower. He claimed it was mild enough for seedlings and germination, so it is getting the test :slight_smile:

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In that case I’d be doing the opposite, it’s moist topsoil that dampens them off.
Water when necessary, ideally from the bottom, and let the topsoil dry out.
Keeps the gnats at bay too.


THis diary makes me sad. All of these damped off and I didnt grow for months.

Thank you for your post @BTG .
We live and learn.

Drop the new seeds straight into the soil, water well, but only once and then wait at least a week, maybe even two weeks before watering again.
It’s the excessive watering that activates the fungi and bacteria too much, don’t spritz either.
Most people, including me, when starting out make this mistake, you are definitely not the only one.

Don’t sweat it, plenty of seeds in the world, I can send you some, don’t hold back, drop like 5 in one pot, act from a mindset of abundance, because that’s what nature does, look at the stars at night if you want confirmation. Look at how many seeds one plant makes if you want confirmation.

Let the males live and make a bunch of seeds and you won’t have to care for years and years to come.

Follow the example of nature.
Cultivate with a certain non-chalance and trust that which created us,
the soil is our Great Mother, tell her; “Show me what I need to know!”

This is how it can be done too, I sowed a whole bunch of seeds a few days ago, ofcourse I’m gonna lose some sprouts, but that’s how it goes, only the best remain, natural selection!

Sow some companion plants too, they help regulate the moisture.

I took the liberty to change the title of this thread to 2023.


Brother I feel you! I went through a hard breakup right as some autoflower plants were growing, and I barely got them across the finish line before shutting down for 6 months. Just didn’t feel like doing anything. I was on here, but I rarely posted. When I came back the community was here for me, and they’ll/ we’ll help you get back on the horse when you’re ready.
I gotta tell you, this first run back hasn’t been perfect, but it feels so good to look into the green canopy again!