First Octopot Grow!

So you just let the plant drank it up? Does it not smell bad after a day or two with out oxygen? Just curious how long do you brew for?


I fine once the roots established in the reservoir the plant drinks rather quickly so a gallon may only last 2 maybe 2,1/2 days

Once emptied I just add the normal feed what’s left in the rez is diluted so much it really doesn’t matter

I make a quick compost tea with molasses
I only let it brew 24 to 48 hours

The days of brewing for a week are gone for me lol
No room to work anymore



I gotcha I may have to try that out thanks for the tip!


See what they drink in a day and only give them that much to be safe

I’m retired so I have time to play around lol

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After you harvest these ones, you can start the next ones in small regular plastic pot with holes in the bottom, and place them on top of your used big pot, then topdress with kitchenscraps, tree leaves, grass clippings, etc around the small pot into the big pot. The roots will grow right down into the big pot that can be topdressed every day a little bit continuously.

Works great and it’s the laziest method I could find.

Doesn’t stink, just smells like a forest when you hold your nose close.
The fungi suck the water out of the fresh topdressing and the soil becomes more active but never too hot, so long as you take care to always add diversity, never a lot of one thing.


2 octo photos are doing good, 2nd set of triples popped out, tomorrow will be 2 weeks.
PPFD: 360

31Jan, I planted another photo in a 7G fabric bag, it broke the surface yesterday. Same soil mix as the octos. I’ll be using general hydro maxi bloom during flowering along with recharge & molasses feedings every couple weeks. PPFD: 200


2.5 weeks in… Both were topped Sunday evening. Both are looking good so far. side shoots are popping out… hoping to top the big side shoots one more time or should I let them go as is?

The plan is to let them get maybe 10 in… then flip to 12/12, they are 6 in. now.
The tent is just 5ft. High.

Again, I’ve only done a couple grows and these are the first grow with photos so any and all advice is welcomed.


There’s enough Molasses in Recharge for the plants. Please be easy when using Molasses and cut off Recharge week 4 of flower. Plants look happy. Good job.

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No need at all for a little extra of straight molasses when using Recharge? And yes, when I’ve used Recharge, I stop after the first couple weeks into flower.

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I would not add Molasses to Recharge. I keep Banana peels in a gallon jug of water refrigerated and there’s Molasses in it. I grow in living Soil so maybe things are different with Maxibloom. Water is used more for the soil than the plants. No run off. Easy peasy lemon squeeze.


I’m doing nothing yet, just 6.2 water & a bit of Calmag & Rhizo in the res.

Soil is a 50/50 mix of happy frog and Sohum.

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This is not the recomended medium for Octos. Im interested to see how it works out for you. :slightly_smiling_face:


Correct :laughing: Me too! Many use every soil there is and have great results from all of the research I’ve done and this is what I had on hand so I went with it and the other reason I cut it with nearly 60% used Happy Frog…the center, top to bottom is 100% Happy Frog. So far, they look great. Seen a few using Grow Dots as well with great results, I have a bag so I’ll be trying those too.

We’ll see how an Auto seed does in a few days…Ordered another Octopot on Friday! I’ll be planting a Gorilla Cookie Auto from FastBuds that’s currently in a jiffy pellet.


When do you guys top the side shoots? What I’m finding is after 1 or 2 nodes, it’s ok to top side shoots. Thoughts? Just trying to make the most out of the 36x20x62 tent.

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I would FIM them if you want the most out of the tent. I’m partial to FIM’ing though.

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I’ve been checking daily…Roots have hit the res! ON the Right one, nothing yet on the Left one. I see a good couple inches popping through the wick and in the water. I’d guess this is when the growth really starts. Side branches are growing noticeably by the day. 3rd grow and never saw one so healthy,

Octos may be the cure for my shite watering habits. :rofl:


So, I planted an AUTO in a jiffy pellet, expecting the other Octo to arrive yesterday and of course it’s held up some where in route.

Question is, how long will the seedling be ok in the jiffy? 1 tiny 1/4inch root has popped thru the bottom so far.


About 20 days in now these leaves are monstrous! I’ve pulled down the top growth a bit to let the lower nodes catch up, just can’t believe how fast they’re growing! All I wish now is that I had a bigger tent height wise lol.

Both now have roots in the res …good long roots already, these octos are really amazing.

I have only been using pH’D water with a little bit of CalMag & RHIZO. PPFD:420 :rofl:

Everything is looking green and healthy… when do you guys start adding VEG nutes?


Great job there getting big

Watch your hight

In my 57 Inch High tent I normally use a net and scrog the plant

They will fill in that tent fast also I like to keep the ppms low and steady

Here’s a chart I use for ppms



Could stay weeks , you’ll be fine