First seeds from my mystery purple plant

This is my first attempt at breeding/crossing/seed production.
Quite a while back, I had started some autos. One of those was Gambien (Thanks @Alaskagrown ). One turned out to be male, so kept it to try my hand at harvesting pollen. I did the parchment paper thing and kept the plant on my window sill.
One of my other autos turned out to be purple.

So I dusted 3-4 buds with my Gambien pollen. I was concerned that the buds were too far along for any seeds to mature.
3-4wks go by, plant is out on my deck, and the cola got so heavy that it bent over and broke the stem. So I trimmed it, hung it above my air purifier to dry, and let it stay there for 2wks.
My neighbor smokes (we do not) so I gave him the cola.

Next day he comes up with a pill bottle, and says “Hey…part of that cola had some seeds in it!”
So here they are :slight_smile:

I’ve put 6 in paper towel to see if they pop, and if they do, I’ll grow them out to see if I get more purple.

The purple plants (2) have different labels on them. Not sure how that happened, either a seed mistake, or my mistake labeling. One is labeled Bruce Banner, the other is labeled White Widow Cheese Cake.

All plants involved are autos.

We’ll see what happens.



Nice color on that mom!
You see lots of purple leaves/green buds. But not so much green leaves/purple buds.

Good luck :crossed_fingers:


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What I really wish I had was a purple male.

Just have to keep popping and hoping.

Grow wild,



6 for 6…they all popped, and are all in 1gal pots now.
As soon as they pop their heads up, I’ll give them some food.

The pollen used to create these was from a Gambien Auto. Purple mom unknown Auto, tho I think it’s Bruce Banner Auto.

What will the seeds produce?


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