Red buds...Alien Monkey

I started some plants for friends this past spring. I had intended to keep a few of the plants for breeding purposes, but that never happened for a variety of reasons.
Anyway…was over at the friends house, took a look at his plants, and he has this beauty of Alien Monkey:

I’m going over this morning with some Widow Maker Auto fem pollen to dust a few buds and hopefully get them to produce some seeds. We’ve got about 6wks left before we get hit with a hard frost, IF we’re lucky, so don’t know if we have enough time left, but I sure hope so.

Should produce a Fast Widowed Monkey…right?



Beautiful pistils dude, very nice :+1:


Really great colors. Will be Interesting to see how it’s looks when it is further along!


Man she’s pretty. I wonder how she l will look closer to finish. That color is wonderful

Might wanna talk your buddy into making some clones before it’s too far along. Might not see that pheno again is a possibility.


Super cool @Lobstah!

It makes for such nice looking bud shots!

Anyone who has grown pink/colored pistil plants, what color do they dry to?

It would be awesome to capture and stabilize this trait to the point where it can be reliably crossed into other lines.



Those are so pretty looking. Totally mind blowing.

I’ll be going over there tomorrow and I’ll grab some cuttings, along with pollenating a few buds.
I don’t have my autocloner assembled yet, but I read in some of the cloning threads that cuttings can last for quite a while stored in ziplocks in the fridge.
I’ll see what I can get going on this. I haven’t been growing that long, but they look really unique to me.



I got the clones, and took a short video of the plant. Also pollenated a few buds with Widow Maker Fem pollen, so we’ll see how they do.

Red buds


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Going to give the “California Cups” a try for cloning. I have 4 bricks of coco here, so I’ll go ahead and soak one of those to get a start on things.
Need to get some clear and colored plastic cups, then we should be off to the races :slight_smile:


This morning I put the cuttings in California Cups, hopefully will get a good set of clones. One odd thing I noticed…when I took these cuttings, the buds were bright red, as seen in the photo above. This morning, after 2 days in the fridge, they are pure white. I know the grower didn’t feed this plant any differently than the other 5 that are growing there, so don’t think it’s nute related…



Ooh that’s gonna be pretty

Don’t be afraid to hit us with a pic of these white buds :slight_smile:

I clipped/trimmed them off when I trimmed up the cuttings for cloning :frowning:
I may take some more. I’ve never used this cloning method, so may need some more. It must be a function of light. They went from red to white while in the fridge.
