First time ever for me- Triploid

I have been popping seeds for 15 years and this is a first for me. Can’t wait to see how it will turn out.


It is pretty cool, but it’s not a triploid - at least, not necessarily. Triploid means it has three sets of chromosomes. What you have is called whorled phyllotaxy; that means it grows leaves and branches in a spiral or whorl pattern. If it’s a female, take clones. :slight_smile: Apparently it’s not something that’s reliably passed down. Then again, it might not even reliably grow that way. I’ve had plants that started out with whorled phyllotaxy and switched to normal after a few weeks, and plants that started out normal and switched to whorled after a few weeks.


Well neato! Thanks for the info.


I have a seedling like that on the 8th node. Last one I had like that was a hermie.

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Awesome! Hope it turns out epic

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