Half Triploid Haze

Genetics: Blue Amnesia Haze from Jordan Of The Islands

I planted some seeds on July 06th, new moon phase idea.
This plant started out weird, had 3 stalks early on.

The middle one withered away and left two main stalks. One is normal and had two branches like normal, and then started staggering them as per usual. The other one is a triploid from second set of branches up, 3 at each node. And is noticeably thicker and more vigor it seems.

This is a unique to me plant, I’ve never seen one before, although been reading about it for the last few weeks here.
Ever see a plant divided like this before? And any tips or ideas how to grow this out?
I’m using Promix HP with worm castings, and Gaia Green fertilizer for now. Just got some living soil yesterday from the folks who make the worm castings. I have been foliar spraying my plants with worm casting tea with a touch of molasses.


Triploidy can’t really be noticed – it is a chromosomal mutation. This doesn’t even look like a phillotaxy mutation, what most people often confuse for polyploidy. Neither trifoliation…I’m confused.


Howdy @Ronzo that’s a neat looking plant. A buddy had a plant that split like that as a seedling but it didn’t have a third shoot in the middle, instead it was an unusually shaped leaf in the middle akin to the shape of a lilly pad. Of course it got nicknamed lilly pad. I believe it was a C99 x Skunk. Did you perform flow cytometry to determine ploidy? The three per node would indicate being a trifoliate whorled but I don’t think it’d possible to determine ploidy with a naked eye alone. Many blessings and much love


I misspoke above regarding being a trifoliate. Meant to use the term whorled instead. Many blessings and much love

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Okay, I’ll go with trifoliate then because I assumed it was a triploid, my bad. Thanks for the input, appreciate it.

Sort of how cannabis varieties and cultivars have been mistakenly referred to as strains in the hobbyist community, whorled plants have often mistakenly been referred to as trifoliate. Apologies for perpetuating that confusion with my earlier comment. Many blessings and much love

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I am here to learn, so I truly appreciate the responses.
Hopefully it grows into something special, just because of it being the weirdo in the corner.