Five Guys February 2024 OG Server Fund Auction

My apologies @DougDawson, my stoned mind completely flaked on that detail :crazy_face:.

Can I choose the Blue Kush pollen please.

Many thanks, Barry :hugs:


@LemonadeJoe I need the mailing info for @Mad_Barry once you’ve received his payment. This is for the bonus pack of HubbaBubbaSmelloScope autos he won.

I also need the mailing information for @Golfnutt once you’ve received his payment.

Has it been determined yet which member was the high bidder on the most lots? Need this information to know where @Budderton and @Hashpants send their seeds they donated.

Also do we know yet the name of the member whose bids totaled the highest amount? They win a pack of Indiana Bubblegum and a pack of Steve Lemmo og X White cherry truffle from @Hashpants as well as a pack of Sour Taxi #9 from @Budderton. And finally a flip of 5KC from me.


You got it @Mad_Barry :v:

I think the largest amout spent was @FieldEffect at $190 @LoveDaAutos but it’s tough to say for sure on my phone.

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BMR please.

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You got it @PoppaPuff .

Looks like I spoke too soon. @Boozer spent $290 @LoveDaAutos :v:


Mine was 220. I think boozer spent the most overall!

@DougDawson i would like Blue Kush pollen please and thank you!


Perfect, you got it @SunGrown . All labels are printed, your Blue Kush and BMR lots will be in tomorrows mail. :v:


A+++ auction organizers! You guys are seriously killing it on this one!


After missing out by a second or two in the closing moments, I was happy for everyone as the cause is just. I then tried to find some of the Cap Junky S1 Fems by doing a search. Way too pricey for me at the seed banks I found them. Some had them listed but were presently out of stock.


@belleswell the high bid for a pack of Cap Junky S1 seeds was $100 and low bid was $50. If you’re willing to split the difference and purchase a pack for $75 I’ll send you one. Just get in touch with @LemonadeJoe to arrange payment and once he’s confirmed payment has been made I’ll get a pack mailed off to you.


Okay guys, I have a list from LemonadeJoe showing that everyone who bid on the Cap Junky and Wolf Cap seeds has paid. I will be packing them up today after I get my jeep unloaded. So that’s all straightforward and easy.

What I’m struggling with are the bonuses. If I were smart I would have listed all the bonuses in one place at the bottom of the auction description all the way at the top so it was easy to reference them. I also need to let @Budderton and @Hashpants know what they need and to whom to send it.

So I’m going to ask the bidders. There were 7 bonuses met. I’m sure the guys that won the bonuses know they won them so do please let me know and same with the Budderton and Hashpants bonuses.

Please and thank you.


I won this one!:v:


Not sure how to copy paste that one but I think I won the most $ spent.


#4. Lot 35. High lot bid.


Looks like surprise #7 is a 3 way tie. Lol


I miss spoke. Boozer may have won surprise 7 with the most spent. 3 way tie for most lots won.


@Boozer won this one as well.


My fault guys, I didn’t follow the bids close enough to realize #6 and #7 didn’t make it to the original post or in my summary.

That’s where LDA got confused, I went through last night and you guys appear to be correct.

There does appear to be a 3 way tie for most lots purchased.

Let’s await a solution and @Budderton and @Hashpants will be advised by LDA.


Since @Budderton and I send to @Boozer as the largest donation I have already reached out to @Boozer and will send my packs directly. Thanks all for a great auction!


So bonus #1 was won by @Mad_Barry for first bid at or over $150.00 Prize is HubbaBubbaSmelloScope auto seeds from me. I’ll take you at your word @Mad_Barry whether you’ve paid for the BMR seeds yet.

Surprise #2 was a 10 pack of Double Grape auto seeds won by @SunGrown

Surprise #4 @Golfnutt chose a 5 pack of Killer A5 Haze x Acapulco Gold Fem seeds for a $100 bid on a pack of Cap Junky S1 seeds

Surprise #6 and Surprise #3 both won by @Boozer for donating the most money to OG for the auction. In addition to the items he won with his bids he will receive the following bonus items. From me a 10 pack 5KC fem seeds. From @Budderton a pack of Sour Taxi #9 S1. And from Hashpants a pack of Indiana Bubblegum S1 and a pack of Steve Lemme og X White Cherry Truffle seeds

And finally Surprise #7 designed to go to the member who was the high bidder on the most lots. Turns out there were three of you @Boozer , @Hidden , and @SunGrown . So what are you guys thinking? These are the prizes set to go to one winner and we have three.
Sour Taxi #9 S1 fems from @Budderton
Purple Biker Slush reg from @Budderton
Steve Lemme og x white cherry truffle s1 fems from @Hashpants
Shoreline Indiana Bubblegum s1 fems from @Hashpants

Any thoughts on a tie breaker?