Five Guys February 2024 OG Server Fund Auction

#33 - $40. @JustANobody

33 - $45

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$20 on lot 40 @GCBudz

I don’t think you can go lower bud lol

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I’m too goddamn stone this morning. My bad lol :joy:

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The breakfast of champions

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This is a bonus item for the OG supporter who spends the highest total dollar amount in the auction. This includes money spent on all 50 lots.

The strain I call 5 KC and it is a powerhouse all day smoke to get you going with that first cup of coffee in the morning till that last sip of whiskey at the end of the night. The lineage is Killer A5 Haze from Ace Seeds crossed with a cut of my friends dearly held Cookies-n-Chem plant that he’s kept in clone form now for over 4 years. It’s one of those crosses that make you say “Oh Hell Yeah” when you smoke it the first time. I don’t have a ton of these but OG has really grown on me since I started to participate and I’m pleased to be able to donate a pack to the cause.
At the end of the Auction @LemonadeJoe will provide me with the name of the person who will receive this pack of little gems.


#35 - $45 @Longtooth

Surprise #4

For lots #31 - #35 (Cap Junky) and lots #46-#50 (Wolf Cap) if the final bid price reaches $100 or higher I will add your choice of one of the 5 packs below, just let me know your preference.
(1) 5 pack of Cap Junky S1 Fem photo seeds Or
(1) 5 pack of Hubbabubbasmelloscope S1 auto seeds Or
(1) 5 pack of Killer A5 Haze x Acapulco Gold Fem seeds.


very cool idea brother, i need to remember that for the next go round. not sure anything of mine would reach that amount but still fantastic idea.

really cool …


You’re making this too exciting! Huge thank you for these surprises.

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You know how to spice it up :smiley: and to reward supporters that help us keep the lights on!

Thanks to all OG supporters!


Surprise #5

Just got word from @GCBudz saying he wants to have a surprise too. :rofl: He donated the Chem 91’ Skunk VA S1 fems and the CJ 91 fem crosses of Chem 91’ SVA and Cap Junky. Here is what he’s offering and in his words.

"Any lot of mine that hits $100 instantly becomes a 15 pack of seeds instead of a 10 pack so 50% more seeds. The high bidder on lots that hit or go over $100 gets the bonus seeds. "

And he’s not done there. Again in his words.

“Highest bidder on each strain gets a bonus 5 pack of the other strain. Only the highest bidder.” So he donated 5 packs of the Chem 91’ Skunk VA seeds. Whichever lot of the 5 packs has the highest bid that bidder/ lot will get a bonus of 5 of the CJ 91 seeds . Same thing with the CJ 91…the lot with the highest bid will have a bonus pack of 5 Chem 91’ Skunk VA seeds added to it.

Not every lot, just one lot of each strain, the ones with the highest bids.


#45 $40.00 @Longtooth

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Does the auction except the cash app? I wasn’t sure the way things read.
@GCBudz @LoveDaAutos


@LemonadeJoe ^^^

LDA might know but Joe would be the decision maker on payment options.

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What a guy, that @GCBudz

Thank you tons for the fun. And making people open up their wallets! The site deserves it. Lotta seeds floating up here.

Oh yeah…

$45 on lot 45 @Pleasantrees420

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I would have to defer to @LemonadeJoe or @DougDawson to answer whether or not Cash App was an acceptable form of payment.


Thanks for the help. I’m not trying to be difficult. Just don’t wanna add another app if I don’t have to.


No problem at all asking a question. Ultimately it’s up to @LemonadeJoe as payments go to him.