Flip to 12/12 with transition period or not?

When you flip to 12-12 is there a transition period or after the 1st 12 hours of dark is day 1 of flower?


There is a transition period of about a week or so, untill you start seeing flowers forming or “cotton balling” as some call it. I personally don’t consider it week one of flower until after a whole 7 days of 12/12. Hope that makes sense.


ive always counted from the day their light cycle changes. some folks wait a week, some folks wait until first appearance of pistils/stamen. i dont know thats theres any scientific data available to support any of these methods, so its pretty much a whatever works for you thing. either way, theyre done when theyre done


So after a week 12-12 you’ll begin week one?

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I count from the day I change to 12/12. Its easier to keep track that way. Plus Im lazy :slight_smile:

Like @thenasty1 said, it doesnt matter when you start, they wont be done until they are done.

On top of that, even if the breeder says they are 7 week flowering or 12 week flowering or what ever, there are always huge variations. Plus, the breeders rarely say when they start counting, so you really have nothing concrete to go by.

Bottom line - do what ever feels right or easiest to you. You could just as easy follow @SeymourGreen suggestion and be just as correct.

You wont be wrong no matter what you do :slight_smile:

Edit: remember, most of the “rules” for growing this plant came from stoners. So there is more than a little slop in there :wink:


It takes time to convert from vegetative growth to flowering, the exact amount of time and when it occurs is debatable but definitely not immediantly upon the switch to 12/12.


Some strains transition into flower faster than others do. I flip to 12/12 and once they show sex I count that as day one of the bloom period.


And just to throw confusion to the wind, you can always veg until it decides to show sex and then treat it accordingly :wink:
It really depends on what you want it to do man


Yeah forced sex is illegal in most countries :rofl:


Sorry, just read your original post.
I’m on my weekend haha
But yea, if you force to flower you’ll have to wait for it to show sex.
I dunno the flower from dating thing though.

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lol, I thought it was a draw?

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My .02 cents, I stopped going by days breeders say as well as my own journals years ago. Here’s my reasoning, when your seasons change so does your environment. I’ve seen clones finish at different times than what the mother plant finished. Also different feeding regimens can prolong your finish date. To summarize, view trichs for a very definitive chop date. Once I see some senescence, I start checking and planning for the chop. My fingers stay sticky from this method.


I think you miss understood what the thread is about bro. Yes the breeder stated times are a load of bollox but he’s asking when he should class the bloom start date. :+1:

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When they finish is far more important than when they start.

Try not to count the days.

FWIW I assume flower begins at day one. But I don’t ever assume “60 days” or whatever.


I think counting days is useless, following breeder instructions I flushed once and finally there still were three weeks left :sweat_smile:. Breeders always talk about “optimal conditions” (wich is not my case) and state always less flowering days to attire attention.

I just look at the trichomes, when it’s done, it’s done (or add one more week ), no need to read the “instructions manual” …


Yes, that is correct.

Simple enough to make notes of multiple events and dates, for those so inclined.

Date flipped.
Date one week after flipped.
Date flowering starts.
Stretch amount and duration
Date of nute chang(s)
Date cloudy.
Date harvested.

May or may not match up with breeder or other growers dates…

I jot down notes on my calendar.