Flushing in Coco coir & perlite only (No soil)

Hello again everyone, so far so good over here! excellent growth, healthy plant… decent PPM and PH run offs etc.

My first ever plant is currently on Day 21 ( 3 weeks old )

So I’m growing in coco coir & perlite only no supplemented soil or anything!
Ive been feeding a light feeding of base nutrients and all is well!! ( With a touch of calmag )

May be a bit of a dumb Question but do you guys do any type of flushing or laying off nutrients even if my plant is showing no signs of bad health or deficiency?

The reason I ask is because I was wondering if PPMs would slowly rise or PH would very slowly rise even if a plant is doing its best it can with the correct Feedings / PH / PPM / envrionment etc etc…

If i remember correctly my PH run off started off at around 6.27 and has hardly jumped up its now about 6.33…

I look forward to hearing back!



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