Proper way to flush a plant already yellowing?

Hey OG I’m in need of some advice. I’m a bit lost as of what to do right now. So one of my plants is just about ready for flush but since she was underdeveloped I took her a bit further to fill out. In the end she didn’t fill out like I wanted but under the loupe she’s very milky cloudy from top to bottom. The only thing is she’s already yellowing a whole lot on her fan leaves already before I even started flushing. So I’m worried if I flush her with just water she will cannibalize herself to the point it hurts the yield. What do I do? Do I lighten the feed until I see amber? Or is a flush still ideal?

Some pics


It looks like you are in soil so no worries, just water as required. Remove the totally yellow leaves (she’s done with them) and any that start going brown. Also, they slow down on the water uptake at the end, that’s a good indicator too.
It looks like she is still popping pistils but sometimes that can fool you. I think your girl is following normally so a valid indicator.

Are you looking for a specific ratio on the clear/cloudy/amber?



Thank you @Gpaw ! Im looking for a heavy body high so amber? But I’m unsure what ratio I’m supposed to look for to get the desired effects


The problem with lollipoping is that you take out from the plant the nutrient reserves while you trim lower fans. If soil is depleted she won’t have much to eat and will finish fast with the remnant. I would just continue with 1/3 of the food you’re giving her and find a balance until crop … beer3|nullxnull


I like 10% clear, 80% cloudy, 10% amber, but I’m flexible as the plant doesn’t always cooperate :wink:… You like ‘heavy body’ so probably more like 50% amber?
Something I’ve done in the past with new plants I don’t know. I’ve made a couple harvests (take a few branches and wait a couple weeks and take the rest). That helped me decide the best harvest point on future grows of that plant.



IMHO, you only need to flush the medium is for a over fed plant.
Enjoy your harvested work!!


the yellowing of lower leaves is normal toward the end of the plants life At this point ther is really nothing you can do. If you flush - what ever your method is - just go a head a do it. your plants will “ripen”. Remember once you see “amber” trichomes they turn amber at the rate of 5% per week . How do you “flush” how much and when ?


Agreed but I might also do it if my pH is fucked and they need a reset.




We flush the media, not the plant. :innocent:

:evergreen_tree: unless it’s a raid :toilet:


Well everyone here’s the update. The upper sugar leaves were folding so I thought it was high N but as they grow larger they do what I call Elf Shoes :grin: its a clawing shape. Like an upside down canoe. That my friends is the early sign of P def. And as suspected, now that the yellow leaves have further faded, it’s clear the plant is yellowing from a P def. I also noticed just this morning out of nowhere the entire plant is still filling in and stacking weight. So I’ll add more P.

Also, regarding my medium. I like to go until there’s nothing left in the soil. My plants generally go into deficiency if I feed late because I’m using synthetic they only get what I give them per feed and they use it all up by the next feed and I can avoid the deficiency by feeding on time. So that kinda tells me the medium is nearly empty of nutrients does that mean I won’t have to flush then? If all the nutes are always used up per feed


You know after 50yr of cultivation I have never checked PH .


I don’t either. But I know if I’m getting weird issues a reset is in order.


I don’t either but because I use Advanced Nutrients pH perfect ejem|nullxnull, otherwise it is recommended to check it to avoid nutrient deficiencies for being out of range … hum|nullxnull

Soil pH chart


What medium do you grow in? That’s sounds really nice to not have to ph.


I have used it in hydro (DWC) and now in soil, your tap water should be in a reasonable range to work, mine is 7.4 and it’s fine… beer3|nullxnull


That’s really interesting. I’m going to take a look. Thanks for the info.


If I had a large grow facility - supplying customers then PH would be checked thru out grow