Flying Dutchmen selection

Hello Growers, this time I’d like to share my small seed selection from old Flying Dutchmen seeds (regular seeds bought in NL at 2008): The Pure and Arctic Sun - everything in soil. Plus there are 2 Sweet Cindy clones in General Hydroponics Waterfarms.

Males vere removed :). Females at my main room under 600W Plantastar (combined spectrum) + 400W Sunmaster (red spectrum for bloom) continue to flower (5th day).

Soil pots: planted in Plagron Growmix soil. Ferts used: in veg for first days only Root Juice hormone booster then a little bit of Bio Grow (biobizz).

Waterfarm: Hydrogarden Vitalink Grow A+B, will be switched to Bloom A+B in a week.
Once per week solution is changed and Atazyme (bcuzz) added for enzymes. pH kept 5,8 - 6,0 roughly. EC currently about 1,7. Sweet Cindy obviously loves this setup :slight_smile:

Now about my room. There are two separate areas. One for vegging and keeping mothers and one main room for flowering equipped with 600W + 400W, so total 1000W.

Air flow is well overrated with Ruck UFO vent 710 m3/hour which I can’t simply run unregulated :slight_smile: It needs a little bit tweaking when winter comes to limit outtake. Air intake is from outside in summer months and from the housing residential area in winter months.

I’m using MH (metalhalide) 400W for mother veg room. All girls were vegged for a month at least in this veg room before moving to main room.

Little teaser from the end of the flowering:

Now to the gallery photos, I’ll start from the beginning.

Overview - 20litres buckets with Growmix

The Pure

Sweet Cindy in GH Water farms

Mother (VEG) Room overview:

UFO Ruck 700m3/hour air management for mother + main room

Main room powered by 600W + 400w HPS hooded with Adjust-A wings including Heatshield

Arctic Sun Strain