Foliar feeding clones

Hell, If I get roots in 10 to 12 days I’m strutting around a proud Papa



I’m using the same jar of schulz rooting hormone I bought in meijer in like 2010 too! Lol

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I use jacks 321. I use regular water too straight away… and it causes def sometimes but thats one of the things that causes the plant to root. It’s searching for nutrients. Then soon as I start to see root development I run the bloom booster at 1/4 strength. The xtra phosphorus aids in root development and nutrient uptake. Im with @Seamonkey84 too with the dome idea and raising the humidity. When they don’t have roots they dont have the ability to retain water. So doming till you start to see the root bulbing is probably ideal. I’ve foliar fed before… same thing though phosphorus heavy at quarter strength. I also soak my cuts in a mild jacks 321 solution for veg for 10 min or so before I clean them up and apply the rooting hormone. They tend to have great color ever since… Just been my experience. Thanks for letting me share.


Some of those still look really good for 10 days. We used to allways find a water heater with a thermostat would get them rooting really fast. I think you’ll be ok, some definitely look like they’ll make it.


Does rooting hormones work? Always thought was snake oil.

I get roots 7-10 days in summer when my water is 80F. Ive had bad luck in the past with rockwool so i switched to aerocloner

This is how my clones usually look when taken from healthy donors


Well, clonex and those types are way over priced. Why pay $20 or more for an ounce when you can just use the 5.99 cheap stuff and it works great.

A single aspirin dissolved in water is a decent rooting hormone too.

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I keep a heated seed mat with temp control under my aerocloner to maintain 80 degrees

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I use aloe vera for that purpose, have a good stock :smile::

Here you can find more info on how to do it:

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I’ve got a willow out back, a pint of tips in spring would give me a lifetime of cloning tea.


Organic honey is a great rooting hormone too!!


I’ve heard that, but never tried it.

I havent heard of that one!

Not needed, but I’ve always used it :man_shrugging:t2: The very first cutting I ever rooted didn’t get any rooting powder, she rooted fine and produced cuttings for over a year. I know some strains are said to be tougher to root than others, so it may help speed up some that need it.

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3 plants got roots so this is a good sign.

Got them at 5.7pH at 300ppm


This is them a few days ago. All have rooted and feed levels are dropping so they are eating.

350ppm at 5.8pH