Foliar feeding clones

Never have done this before but my clones are starting to look bad and dont wanna lose them

Can I give them my normal fertilizer of Jacks 321 or do they need something special? Also what pH?

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Thats what I do with rooted clones


Can you post a pic so we have a look? :sunglasses:

Mine havent rooted yet thats why I need to do this. Just unsure on the process or timing like should I do this lights out?

I would give no more than a 1/4 does for unrooted and then I’m uncertain of how that will work out.
Sometimes I use Clonex Rooting solution in a water cloner, but not always

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There they are in all their sadness

I just need one to survive. Dont wanna lose the strain


Yeah like 1/4 veg dose, and ~6.2 ph, they really don’t look too bad yet though.


Cut like 10 days ago. Was hoping would have rooted by now.

They were taken from some unhealthy plants that I culled. So ay least one needs to survive

Try putting a clear cup over each one to act as a dome, maybe cut some of those larger leaves in half, at least that will help with any wilting. In my experience, if they aren’t rotting, yellowing usually occurs right before they shoot their roots. I’ve heard people putting some weak hydro nutrients in their cloners. But the most I’ve done is soak the cuttings in some kelp solution before putting them into the peat pellet/rooter plugs.


I’ve had clones look like that and survive. Keep humidity up for them. Spray lightly. I have used a light mix of seaweed kelp like sea storm both foliage and in the tub. Hopefully some roots start. If you have good sprayers or bubblers underneath they should eventually take.

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You could use some sprouted seed teas or coconut water too. They help make roots.

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with my clones i use water with kelp added to mist , gave them stronger once and it burned them, suggest you try it on one plant first I also use coconut water but not as a foliar


Thanks for all the suggestions.

It normally takes 2 weeks for me to get roots in the winter. Ill try and increase the humidity

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You can trim all the bad looking leaves, they steal energy to the plant to maintain them, check the evolution of mines, almost weird and zombies crazy0to but as long as there’s life there’s hope … ejem|nullxnull


I dunno if this happens to anyone else, but mine typically start looking like trash right before they pop roots.


I read here that as long as clones are feeling comfortable with foliar feedings, plenty of water, correct light and temperature, they are static. They just throw roots to survive when they are hungry and dying with almost no water, it makes sense for me … beer3|nullxnull


Well thats inspiring!

Those look trashed. But they survived!

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With that logic I guess water cloners/sprayer are useless :rofl:


You can put a clone in a glass of water and he will become lazy and stay like that for weeks without throwing roots, don’t fill and let the water evaporate and he will react, I know it sounds crazy, but I’ve seen it … :sunglasses:


Yeah, I’ve never actuallyfed a clone until I see roots. But I never used a cloner dealy thing like that. Just snip, dip and into a cup of coco. 7 days and its rooted…