FPJ Hydroponics/Bioponics Discussion

I have been doing lots of research recently into using Fermented Plant Juices as the primary source of nutrients in fully hydroponic systems vs traditional hydro salts. Suprisingly, in the last few years there seems to be a lot of research being done, but most are using manure teas or similar. Which seem to not do as well as the ferments from my reading. But the consensus seems to be it could be a sustainable and cheap method to help feed the world. And maybe even grow some amazing bud really cheap with homemade nutrients.

When I first started growing, I was able to do a few kooky things like running DWC with compost teas, but that was before I got into ferments. The last few years I have gotten really nice results running a promix style soil with just ferments, and at most a lil epsom salt or gypsum if calmag came up. Ive even pulled it off in rockwool.

I was wondering if anyone else has been playing around in full hydroponics with ferments and microbes? I know there’s a lot of really smart people on here that do all sorts of fun experiments, and Id love to hear if anyone has any experience. Ill link a few of the studies Ive found that have some interesting results on leafy greens.




i plan on it but have yet to start. definitely interested in what you find out. thanx for the links.