Freakshow pollinated with reversed PCG 1987

I have a few Freakshow pollinated with reversed PCG 1987. The viable pollen count was very low, resulting in only 1 seed for every 8 I would normally get. I didn’t get enough for a giveaway, but if anyone is planning to run a male freak soon or has male freak pollen they’d like to use, I’d love to send some your way. In return for future seeds. I would also entertain it being crossed with other freakshow hybrids.

From what I gather, there’s about a 1/16 chance you’ll get a freak seedling. Its realy the F2s that we want for selection.


HMU if this interests you.


I can send you a few out of this pack , if u want .


I am not looking for seeds atm. But when im running a male freak I might take you up on that. Those are fems also right ?

I’m thinking there reg, I’m gonna run some this winter when I can go heavy on light.

To be clear I am looking to send some out if you knock em up and send me some back eventually. If yours are regs and you want to do that i will send you a few.


Cool man, I still growing the penny pincher, it has very uniform structure, really interesting, I can start something closer to November.


Also a small amount of Banana daddy IBL auto X male freak show
Same offer as above.

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One more bump before my inner hoarder takes the seeds away from me image


Last call.

I don’t have what you’re looking for but I can say your cross is going to be fire. 1987 was such a nice plant, wish I kept her. Now that she is removed from pcgs lineup im kicking myself for not keeping her around.

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I still have her and have been spreading her deep around NY. I am flowering out a monster outdoors right meow

If you remind me in a few weeks I can get a cut your way.


Not taking in cuts right now but much appreciate the offer. Id love to work on a project with you though, I miss her terps. They retire 1987 in favor of the Bob hope cut (pcgs take on slh). When I get back on my feet I’m planning on reversing her to make a sweep against my stable of cuts. Id be glad to send you some pollen (or receive 1987 pollen if you still have some). I bet that cross would be fantastic.

Beautiful plant btw. Looks like you’re using home Depot garden trellis for support? Lol. Pretty creative

I do have some pollen left but it wasn’t stored properly and low viability to start. I am going to be reversing another clone again shortly. I will keep you in mind and would gldly accept some pollen when available aswell.
other than that i do have S1s of 1987 for trade.

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This sounds interesting. I have some fern leaf stuff going. I made a lot of Pineapple Express crosses last summer, and the Junior Mint ones hit some extra smaller leaflets as well.

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both leaves are male. I used the one on the left to pollinate my plants. gonna be fun. mini-leaves on the leaf, and ferns. There’s like 2-3 extra mini leaflets on that leaf.