MTN TROP cut pollen

Hey everyone I have tons of pollen from my MTN trop male that I got from a massive seeds pack. Lineage: Mtn. Cut Tropicana Cookies x Tropicana Cookies F2,if any trusted members are about to or are in early flower, if your looking to make some seeds and once harvested don’t mind giving me some seeds,LMK?


Not needing any here, but just wanted to give you a shout out for that awesome offer. Way to help overgrow the world!


I’m possibly interested I’ve got some VTF (Vietnam Thunder Fuck) clones and I’m going to be getting them ready for flower and it’s an interesting strain that I’ve been looking to pollinate wilh something just haven’t had any luck yet finding some but I’ve just harvested my VTF pollinated with Bogglegum pollen and it’s drying out nowKIMG1151

that’s from 2 weeks ago Happy Growing The Doc


Thanks for the offer @Patriots781 , I am good at present but sill appreciated.

im down. send me a DM

Do you happen to have any pics of the Male grown out?

I shot you a message on FC. :call_me_hand:


I also replied on FC…I’ll repost here…

How did the sisters of the male turn out? Growth structure, vigour, aroma, flavor, effects, flower time?

I won’t have anything in flower for a while. im harvesting my current outdoor now, and I won’t have again until next year outdoor.

If it was dried well before putting in vials and you put the vials in an airtight container or vacuum pack with silica packs inside, it should store for a long time in the freezer.

If you are okay with it, I can keep a vial in my freezer to try on my 2023 outdoor or a couple of local friends’ upcoming indoor. I can send you beans of other crosses I made in my 2022 outdoor in a few weeks when it’s all down and dried, and i would reserve shares for you of anything that comes from your pollen…assuming it is viable when applied.

Peace :v:

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I am getting to sort through a pack of Fam 95’ from Top Dawg at some point in 23’. Should be some gas in there. If interested/you have tons maybe save some and and I will pollinate my keeper. Happy to send back half of what ever comes out.

Just pm if interested, I am also down to trade for seeds you have now, or if your in in veg about to flip or early flower and agree to give me some seeds when there done,I love trying new strains,trading,and getting good genetics out and actually I tried germinating 2 seeds and only one germed and noticed he was male in week 5 of veg so isolated for pollen extraction,I also have a lemon jelly male which is lemon x jealousy tiki cut about to start dropping pollen


i wanted to start a run with sour diesel riri and gelato #45
maybe the tropicanna cookies combines nice with them (?)

i would be game to hit them up and share out the beans :slight_smile:
as in: (gelato #45 x trop) and (sour diesel riri cut x trop)


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