Free seeds bred by Mark! Again. 60 day reg. Auto blueberry 3 packs

I always get good phenos and never get to keep them outdoors. So indoors maybe I can retain a few in seed/clones or reveg. I only feminized seeds once problem with that is I cant CS daily because I’m not home much. My plants get 1-2 days attention max rest is litfa


Screw a tent! I wanna rock! I’m remodeling the bathroom, into the flower finishing room! I wanted a little room off the main flower room that didn’t have hps zapping my terps for the last two weeks, they will be getting special treatment under a redwood vs. what do you guys think about adding a couple uvb bulbs for killing any bacteria that might of found it’s way into my space. Ideas guys?


With STS you only need to spray every 5 days. Maybe an alternative for you.

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I’ll have to look into that
I was making my own coll8dal silver homerig.

Always learning new shit on here when you think you know it all.

How did those xmas freebies go? I gotta say no… I buy beans like a addict. I smoke a few strains and I’m like I need that… and it happens. Then I gotta wait to run them down road I might switch to running more than 3 strains at a time.


I’m in Canada so havnt recieved them yet. Hopefully soon though, :slight_smile:
I find the sts easier. I had a rig for making colloidal as well but with the sts you just buy the raw ingredients and mix them together

If posting links isn’t aloud I apologize.


Will try it I just found the perfect donors

Gorilla Glue 4 S1 ~ Gorilla Glue 4 x Gorilla Glue 4


Hi, I missed this one. Any chance it might be happening again anytime soon? Thanks! You’re simply awesome!


How much dose it cost to mix enough STS for a small bottle? I’m on the fence what I want to use.


Hey @Abbbian! Yes. Someone backed out and did not pay there donation to the site. So if you make a donation to the site you have a pack with free shipping


@corey gives away seeds regularly more then anyone I’ve seen. I’ve clocked him for about a giveaway a week. There are seed runs on here. I’m sure if you follow along and get involved they will show love.


Hi! thanks. Seed runs? I’m coming in fast and with no intentions of jumping ship at all. I’ll be following along, and I’m already stoked to having been welcome here in such a friendly manner. Couldn’t be better!


Hi. Thanks. At a low financial point nowadays, yet I’m sure it’ll pass. Please, is there a minimum amount for donation, and where should I go here once I’m ready to donate? I mean on the site…


No minimum. Whatever you can do even if it’s just a buck. Scroll up to post 92 or 93 and you will see where @LemonadeJoe posted the links


No worries peeps. This is only for the 8 person giveaway deal. Only one person backed out. Everyone will get there seeds. But if you would like to make a donation the links are on post 92. Thanks!


Welcome to Overgrow man.
I’m usually more attentive welcoming new members on the Welcome New Members thread. I seen your post. It’s a cool site. The only one I’ve ever used. I didn’t even stray when OG 1.0 went down. Stick around. Beware the site is addictive! Take care!


I do have another batch coming in. 60 day auto blueberry this time. It will be a 10 person 10 seed deal with free shipping. A small donation to the site will be required on this one.


I’m going to be on the lookout. I’ve been hunting for some Blueberry to try. Its my cousin’s favorite strain. It would be a great surprise! Its marks stuff still? Is he on here?

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Yes sir it’s his stuff. I have no idea if he has an account here


Hi. Just noticed it was only for US residents, and I’m in Brazil. Well, meanwhile I’ve requested approval for turning my debit card into a credit card. Next time, who knows… Thanks anyway!


I’m going to the post office today. Let me see how much it would cost to send you a package. I gotta check because I sent to someone overseas not to long ago and it was a 15 dollar postage fee for just a .40 ounce letter. I’ll pm u and we can work something out