Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread (Part 13)

@BigMike55 this is for you!

Fun giveaway @Budderton it’s almost perfectly designed for bigMike


Serious round creatures, beings, destined to provide flowers! No less!
Awesome one @Budderton!!
Thanks!! :sunglasses: :astonished: :flushed:

Btw, where is @BigMike55!!! :laughing:


an awsome givaway linked to an awsome album and tune.

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Tunes @olschool .:wink:

Well we got 3 members who got the question and answered correctly. I listened from the start of “One of My Turns” to the end of “Goodbye cruel world” so one of my turns, don’t leave me now, another Brick in the Wall part 3, and goodbye cruel world.
Correct answers
Gonna ask Mrs Budder to pick a number from 1-3…


LoL I was just about to say that I was right but my stoner head never hit reply


Think I just missed getting in on time


Good question @Budderton next time I’ll be sure that I don’t mess up because I knew right away actually had the album on last night! Thanks for the opportunity


I have no idea why people would sleep on these, these are the best freebies I have seen in a while… Chem and TK are cornerstones.


She picked 3. Congratulations @Illicitmango ! Send me your details and I’ll get those out tomorrow. Thanks everyone for playing, now go get high and listen to or watch The Wall! :v::grin::canada:


That’s what I’m so bummed about is that the strains but photo fems even better @herojuana.tom so good luck :crossed_fingers:t2:… congrats on these prizes @Illicitmango that’s a good score


Heyy, nice @Illicitmango ! Thanks for the try @Budderton !


I have every word of the Wall memorized since 6th grade, 1983. It still gets regular rotation in my house. My girl and I just re-watched the movie about three weeks ago :joy::v:
Thanks for the opportunity! Much appreciated :pray:


Its all good, Doc, you tend to get bummed whenever you don’t win… that’s not a very healthy posture. :raised_hands::joy:
JKJK… love you, man. :v:

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I have a legit first edition of The Wall and then bought some newer ones to listen to I do it with a lot of my valuable vinyl and the Beatles Red and Blue double vinyl albums and the one with the actual red and blue records but I use a newer one that’s black and I am so happy I never got rid of my vinyl they’re my other treasure! Love music I’m gonna be bummed out LoL but seriously I am finally getting some better days since my Dad but it’s been a tough Thanksgiving but glad to have the friends and Family around and especially The OG Community can’t say enough!


I used to listen to a tape I made of the album, just so I didn’t wear out the album from playing it too much :joy:
Oh man, I think albums sound so much better than cd’s.


Absolutely agree with you on that most definitely sound better


So I’ve recently remembered that one of my all time favourite strains is banana kush. Last time I had it it was in cart form and man I really enjoyed it. Funny thing is I have no banana anything seeds at all. I’d love to get some if anyone has anything they really like. I’m willing to trade also and I can send a list of my seeds. I mostly liked the creativity and thinking that it affords. :wink:

Ok so here we are again. The winner of the White Rhino is #47, @ShiskaberrySavior. Congratulations bud, I got your info, seeds will be heading your way.


Up next we have a pack of Jack Herer. Seems to be a bunch of interest in this one so let’s get it out there. Sign up for your chance.

2. @NorthNorthNugs
3. @BeagleZ
4. @Tejas
5. @LivingBlackSoil
6. @Slammedsonoma420
7. @Kasper0909
8. @Natea :us:
9. @Abbbian
10. @Oldjoints
11. @CanuckistanPete
12. @THCeed :canada:
13. @Tripl3fastaction
14. @habitt
15. @Gonzo
16. @SHSC-1
17. @CrunchBerries
18. @JC72 :us:
19. @unomas :us:
20. @Maddawg :us:
21. @Illicitmango :us:
22. @Greenfingers :us:
23. @ShiskaberrySavior
24. @Varuna
25. @Rogue
26. @Emeraldgreen
27. @Andrane
28. @BigMike55
29. @BarefootAndBlazed :us:
30. @Terpsnpurps :us:
31. @carbon
32. @FattyRoots
33. @misterbee :us:
34. @Mrgreenthumb
35. @PetalPowerseed :us:
36. @buckaroobonsai :us:
37. @buck90 :us:
38. @keene :us:
39. @US3RNAM3
40. @MissinBissin :canada:
41. @Pigeonman
42. @Cannaology
43. @Murciano207
44. @Tlander :thailand:
45. @patsnumone
46. @Spitfire
47. @Big
48. @Tao :us:
49. @DJSF
50. @Sdd420
51. @no_chem :us:
52. @Tracker
53. @Jimdoors
54. @calman1955 us
55. @503BudMan
56. @Faithisyours
57. @Sbeanonnamellow
58. @E5_Wilk
59. @HorseBadorites :us:
60. @BudWhisperer
61. @Piter

Add more numbers as needed.